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Hi all,
I am trying to understand how we can automate and reduce manual interventions as far as possible.
Here is the current workflow that we have:
Users perform analysis and make changes to the QlikSense app/dashboard i.e. additional columns, filtering of data via set analysis.
We have been told that whenever there are changes made to the QlikSense app/dashboard, we need to manually refresh the metadata cache of the NPrinting Connection. Is this true? Does NP publish task automatically reload and fetch new metadata cache?
At this point in time, it seems that we would need to login in person to manually refresh the connection before the publish task gets triggered.
Any suggestions or corrections to our understand are greatly appreciated.
Answering your questions below:
Our data model will not be changing on a daily basis but there will be new data coming in daily which is why we have to do an application/dashboard reload to showcase the new data. In this case, there is a need to perform a metadata reload, right?
Answer: Script reload of application for example from QMC (and therefore new records loaded to existing table structures) DOESN'T require metadata reload.
See also here: https://community.qlik.com/t5/Qlik-NPrinting-Discussions/When-should-you-Reload-Metadata/m-p/23838#...
And also, we have implemented default selection on the date to only show the latest date for the transactions. Does it mean that NPrinting will automatically filter and show these default selected data? and hence, no further filtering needs to be done at NPrinting to filter data according to latest date?
Answer: I would not use it. Default selection was introduced not that long ago. I am not sure if it is actually supported and @Ruggero_Piccoli will probably need to take this one and try answer. My assumption is that "triggers" are not supported so i would use NPrinting filter instead of trigger to apply this default selection!
Below sections only refers to QlikView so i would love to hear if the same principles apply to Qlik Sense apps:
your workflow does not look like stable solution. The part where you mention that users change data, use set analysis etc needs to be considered if it is applied to objects used in NPrinting reports. In such case solution can be very unstable as your users have to have full knowledge of how NPrinting templates are built.
We have been told that whenever there are changes made to the QlikSense app/dashboard, we need to manually refresh the metadata cache of the NPrinting Connection. Is this true?
Yes - any change to Qlik datamodel and metadata needs to be followed by metadata refresh, but if you do changes to measures and dimensions used in objects you used in nprinting templates then on top of metadata refresh you need to update entities in your template (in NPrinting designer).
Does NP publish task automatically reload and fetch new metadata cache?
No - metadata cache reload is not part of publish task, but... i am under impression that you don't fully understand what metadata reload is. To set the record straight it is NOT a data (data model) reload. You do not need to refresh metadata to see new values in your columns or fresh data (after application reload). You only reload metadata if you change expression definitions, add new columns which were not part of the model previously, create new charts, change existing ones, create/change variables definitions..
Metadata reload can be triggered via API though - so i do not see a problem in having it as part of the reload via API... and to be frank today I just posted here samples how it can be done.
There is however one problem with your approach. I do not recommend building NPrinting reports on Qlik Sense applications which change often. The purpose of having static report produced in NPrinitng is that it is built on stable fundation, not on application which constantly changes.
I really think you should contact Qlik partner or Qlik to give you demo, overview and DO and DON'Ts in NPrinting. Your workflow in my opinion is strongly on DON'T side!
Hi Lech,
Thank you for your insightful response. You are right on the part on my understanding of metadata reload..
Would like to seek more clarifications from you if you do not mind:
You do not need to refresh metadata to see new values in your columns or fresh data (after application reload). You only reload metadata if you change expression definitions, add new columns which were not part of the model previously, create new charts, change existing ones, create/change variables definitions..
Our data model will not be changing on a daily basis but there will be new data coming in daily which is why we have to do an application/dashboard reload to showcase the new data. In this case, there is a need to perform a metadata reload, right?
And also, we have implemented default selection on the date to only show the latest date for the transactions. Does it mean that NPrinting will automatically filter and show these default selected data? and hence, no further filtering needs to be done at NPrinting to filter data according to latest date?
Thank you very much
Answering your questions below:
Our data model will not be changing on a daily basis but there will be new data coming in daily which is why we have to do an application/dashboard reload to showcase the new data. In this case, there is a need to perform a metadata reload, right?
Answer: Script reload of application for example from QMC (and therefore new records loaded to existing table structures) DOESN'T require metadata reload.
See also here: https://community.qlik.com/t5/Qlik-NPrinting-Discussions/When-should-you-Reload-Metadata/m-p/23838#...
And also, we have implemented default selection on the date to only show the latest date for the transactions. Does it mean that NPrinting will automatically filter and show these default selected data? and hence, no further filtering needs to be done at NPrinting to filter data according to latest date?
Answer: I would not use it. Default selection was introduced not that long ago. I am not sure if it is actually supported and @Ruggero_Piccoli will probably need to take this one and try answer. My assumption is that "triggers" are not supported so i would use NPrinting filter instead of trigger to apply this default selection!
Below sections only refers to QlikView so i would love to hear if the same principles apply to Qlik Sense apps:
- Triggers and macros are not supported and must be removed.
- Qlik NPrinting 17+ removes all selections so you must add related Qlik NPrinting Filters
Best Regards,