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Hi There
I've noticed a strange issue, and after having a quick search of the Community, I can't find any similar posts.
I have a Qlik Sense app, with a table object, containing various columns with set analysis, using P() - example of a column being below:
Sum({<[Rent Debit Flag]={1},[Period]=p([Max Rent Week])>}[Technical Arrears])
When I build an NPrinting report, based on this QS App, I cannot expand the Table object to show the individual columns - see below, "pZqc - Monthly Arrears by Project"
I suspect there is something weird going on with the above set analysis. I've duplicated the Table object, and removed the p() element from the set analysis, and this can be expanded - "see caBLn - Arrears Weekly by Project"
Can anyone shed any light on this? Happy to share the app/nprinting report if it helps.
Maybe one has a "Show column if" condition?
Are you using latest Qlik NPrinting version (June 2019)? If not, please update.
Best Regards,
I've changed the data model to not need P() in the set analysis, and this still didn't work
I then recreated my table in Qlik Sense, which worked.
Not sure if the issue is with the table OR the p() from set analysis...
I suppose that the object that lets you to expand the columns is a straight table. The other is a pivot table that never lets you to see the single columns.
Best Regards,
Hi Rugerro
Nope, both Tables within NPrinting are Qlik Sense straight tables.
Maybe one has a "Show column if" condition?
Are you using latest Qlik NPrinting version (June 2019)? If not, please update.
Best Regards,
Nope, no conditional show/hide set... and yes, running latest version of NPrinting
Well.. I've double checked the conditional show/hide, and look what I found:
One of the measures had an incomplete "Show Column if" however the Qlik Sense app did not throw an error.
Removed this, and the columns now appear!