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NPrinting 17 - prioritizing performance items

A lot of us complain about and are disappointed with report performance (Designer, ON Demand, Publish Task) as it relates to using features like levels, paging, cycles, filters, etc, and even the type of report format (xls vs pixel perfect, for instance).  With that said, does anyone know what the priority is in terms of what is the biggest resource hog vs the least?  For example, if I have a pixel perfect report with a few levels that exports to pdf, am I better off trying a report without levels or better off trying an XLS report with levels?  OR, if I have a pixel perfect report with a few levels and a cycle that exports to pdf, what am I better off trying instead... in what priority order of experimentation do I get a better performance results???...level, cycle, pixel perfect, OR pixel perfect, level, cycle?   Knowing this might help a lot of us think about other ways to build our reports but still end up with something that meets business requirements and makes the end user happy.  Thanks.

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