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I have created a report where a recipient 'ABC' receives an email for filter country='Germany'. However, If I assign another filter country='France', the task does not execute successfully. How do I send multiple separate emails to a recipient based on the multiple individual filters I apply for that person?
FYI- I have hundreds of recipients and Countries
This topic was already discussed in this community. I suggest you to search on old conversations.
In general filters can be associated with tasks, reports, users or objects but cannot be associated by user and report. So you need to find a workaround like the one I suggested in https://community.qlik.com/t5/Qlik-NPrinting-Discussions/Send-multiple-reports-to-a-user-with-differ....
Best Regards,
This topic was already discussed in this community. I suggest you to search on old conversations.
In general filters can be associated with tasks, reports, users or objects but cannot be associated by user and report. So you need to find a workaround like the one I suggested in https://community.qlik.com/t5/Qlik-NPrinting-Discussions/Send-multiple-reports-to-a-user-with-differ....
Best Regards,
Agree with Ruggero.
In short - you will not be able to send separate emails to the same user from the same report using one publish task. This is not possible!
What you can do is generate 2 reports using Filter ABC where Country='Germany' and Country='France' (one filter filtering 2 values) and attach them to 1 email.
See official help page: https://help.qlik.com/en-US/nprinting/June2019/Content/NPrinting/DeployingQVNprinting/Import-Users-F...
there is an example of how to import filter filtering out 2 values: ...[Country]={Italy,Germany,Spain} ...