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Hello community,
in a pixel perfect report I would like to display the min and max Date of the selected values. I added the formula
and the result preview shows me the corresponding date (i.e. '31.10.2015'). But when I use the field [maxDate] in the Report it displays me the Date in the numerical qlikview format, i.e. 42307.
I already tried several ways with formatting the label as DateTime, with no luck. (it returns 'dd42307MMyyyy') and in the NPrinting Training I wasn't able to finde an example.
Before I made some Word /Excel Reports, there was no problem in displaying the values as intended.
I hope someone can help me out.
Kind Regards
Hi Matthias,
Can you try creating variables in the QlikView document and then using them in the PixelPerfect report?
If you post a sample QVW file one of us can take a look. I have attached the project I used for the above. Extract to C:\Temp\Community\017
HTH - Daniel.
Did you check 'Keep Original Format' Checked in the NPrinting Field Preperties?
if so, did you try to change the Format in Nprinting itself (Cell properties)
Hi Matthias,
Can you try creating variables in the QlikView document and then using them in the PixelPerfect report?
If you post a sample QVW file one of us can take a look. I have attached the project I used for the above. Extract to C:\Temp\Community\017
HTH - Daniel.
I haven't found the checkbox in PP-Reporting, only in the Office Reporting. I fiddled around with the formatting properties, but with no luck.
When I use the text()-function it's working with formulas and variables too.
Is it best practice that one has to define the DataTypes in PixelPerfect Reports?
Thank you for your help