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Contributor III

NPrinting - Previous Quarter in Filter for Excel Reports


I'm trying to create an Excel report with NPrinting. This report should run once a quarter and always show the numbers of the previous quarter. How can I set up a filter in NPrinting so that the Excel report is showing only previous quarter figures?

I do not want to use a the date selection in the Sales formula in Qlikview (e.g. sum({<CALENDER.DATE={">=$(=QuarterStart(num(QuarterStart(today()))-1))<=$(=QuarterEnd(num(QuarterStart(today()))-1))"}>} Sales) ), but I would like to filter in NPrinting.

How could I do this?

Many thanks for your help!

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Contributor III

Ok - found it out. Perhaps this might help also other NPrinting users:

A variable for the Previous Quarter needs to be defined in QV, in this cased I named it vPrevQuarter:

'=((CALENDER.DATE>='& chr(39) &  QuarterStart(num(QuarterStart(today()))-1) &  chr(39) &') and (CALENDER.DATE<='  & chr(39) & QuarterEnd(num(QuarterStart(today()))-1) & chr(39) & '))'

And then I could call the variable with NPrinting :

Attention: "Evaluate" needs to be ticked.

View solution in original post

1 Reply
Contributor III

Ok - found it out. Perhaps this might help also other NPrinting users:

A variable for the Previous Quarter needs to be defined in QV, in this cased I named it vPrevQuarter:

'=((CALENDER.DATE>='& chr(39) &  QuarterStart(num(QuarterStart(today()))-1) &  chr(39) &') and (CALENDER.DATE<='  & chr(39) & QuarterEnd(num(QuarterStart(today()))-1) & chr(39) & '))'

And then I could call the variable with NPrinting :

Attention: "Evaluate" needs to be ticked.