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Creator III
Creator III

NPrinting report sending by email is lating...

Hello experts,

I need a little help.

I organised reports that I am sending by email to users, and many times it is working okay....But yesterday and today one report is lating...It is scheduled at 7:50...

Yesterday came to users at 11:00.

Today still didn't come.

How can I check what is happening?



12 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Jasmina,

You are not givin us enough information.

From what i understand your reports are coming out later than expected. There can be hundreds of different things causing it.

You might need to provide us with:

  • version of Qlik
  • version of NPrinitng
  • type of connection you are using
  • template type in NPrinting
  • setup of report (does it contain user filters?)
  • amount of data in Qlik datamodel (no of rows in fact table and number of columns)
  • search for log files from the task which took so long to distribute - we will be able to see where it takes the most of the time to produce report

this is the minimum to start with.

also check this topic - maybe you are experiencing the same issue which is a bug and was fixed in April version:

Nprinting 18.0.4. Long Running nprinting jobs with inconsistent run times



cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Creator III
Creator III

Hi Lech,

Usually report comes at 8:07....It needs about 10 min.

-Qlik version is April 2018

-NPrinting is February 2018 (18.0.4)

-type of connection?- OLEDB if you think on this

-template type is xslx

-report doesn't use filters

-In fact table: 25 columns, 374 428 355 rows

-How to find this log files that you ask me for?



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

to start of with:

  • regarding template - what is it? Is it just dump from a table, or report with levels/pages or images.. give us as much details as possible.
  • regarding connection - i meant NPrinting connection, but since you are using it with Qlik Sense there is only one type anyway - so no need to answer this
  • all "how to's" are always in official help document. Please get familiar with it and always search for answers there in first place. How to find logs:

  • the other thing is that you are running static report on fact table which has more than 300 million records - do you really need all this data to be exposed for NPrinting app? That sounds like a overkill to me. In this situation i am questioning the way this is built since it is hard to believe you will need this grain of data for NPrinting report. That beeing said my first step would be to answer a question: how to reduce data to minimum required only for NPrinting?
  • last thing is: since you are running it on 300 Million records data set - how is Qlik server behaving during the nprinting report generation. Is hardware sufficient enough? Don't you reach a max of CPU and memory?



cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

To be precise...

I should say that the fact is 370 Million of records which is a lot more than 300 million....and also makes huge differenece

cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Creator III
Creator III

Ah, if you know how many data we put in Qlik for using, hahah you will be maybe surprised.

We have one extract that is loading data from database, and is storing to qvd's, every night 4 hours. XD

Imagine how many data is there....

But for this case.

This report is very complex. Yes I use levels. This report has a 4 sheets. And I am printing it in xlsx, and in pdf, 10 pages totally.

On first page is total table, with 25rows. 17 rows are columns (measures) from Qlik Sense application, very complex. 2 columns sparkline. 5 coulmns are calculated.

And on the top line of name of columns are calculated (formula for date that I made in this template).

You cannot imagine how many manipulated thing I made. XD

Other pages are just simplier, have 10 columns, but many of them calculated measures from qs app.

I am just worker, I am making what I get to make.

Just load for this app is more than half hour.

I know how to find log files in NPrinting, but I don't understand text in it. Just that report is sent.

This report is going to 20 adress.



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

HI Jasmina,

I understand that you might have billions of data in Qlik and i am fine with this. To be frank it does not surprise me - as consultant i see it every day.

What i do not understand is why would you use data at this grain to produce possibly highly aggregated NPrinting reports?

I think your setup is not done optimal and therefore you are experiencing issues with generation time.

You need to be a Qlik and NPrinting expert to do it right and have deep understanding of both especially with such big data set. Whoever decided on using application with 370+ million of row with NPrinting made a rookie mistake.

Have a read here to start with:

Also could you help me understand following:

  • out of 370 million rows why do you need to load such granular data via nprinitng since you are producing highly aggregated view. Why don't you have an app which aggregates this data prior to linking it toNPrinitng
  • as you are mentioning your expressions are very complex. Are you sure they are "on top of their game" in regards to being optimized? Did you have someone with very good Qlik knowledge writing them?
  • Out of 370+ million rows - do you use all of them in your NPrinitng report?
    • as an example: maybe your 370+ million rows can contain 1 month worth of data and NPrinting sends only daily report. Then you would create dedicated app for NPrinting only with 1 day worth of data rather than 1 month...
    • do you need all dimensions from fact table in your NPrinitng report?

Like i said before - to me your problem is just wrong design and would require experienced Qlik & NPrinting developer to help you fix it.

regarding logs - you can attach the engine logs here so we can have a look what takes time. Also if you load log file to excel you will notice it is structured and will be able to understand more what happens behind the scenes.



cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Creator III
Creator III

Hi Lech,

Is there possibility we continue communication by email, or in Qlik Support?



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

I am not Qlik employee so Qlik support is not a place i can communicate. Feel free to send me a priv message via community channel though. I think first you need to add me to your connections.



cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Creator III
Creator III


Thank you very much. I will write you.
