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In NewStand, inside reports, I am able to select reports that are disabled ("enabled" and "enable On-Demand and API report generation" are disabled).
How can I do not to see all reports in NewStand?
Thank you.
If a report is generated and published in the NewsStand it means that there was at least a publish task with the NewStand selected as destination and that the task was run at least one time.
If with visible you mean that a NewsStand user can see the report and create a custom subscription, this is because the security works only at app level. The NewsStand user has the rights to see the reports in a specific app, so he/she can create a custom schedule for those reports.
The Qlik NPrinting security works only at app level, so you need to create two or more apps, distribute the template in those apps, in order to manage the report visibility for users, and create different publish tasks, at least one for each app.
It is not possible, at the moment (November 2019), to set security options at a report level.
Best Regards,
Create custom role and assign it to the person. (on https://help.qlik.com read about roles)
Hi Lech_Miszkiewicz,
I think that you didn't understand the issue... These users already have the role of NewStand User.
The thing is that in the NewStand web, the disabled reports are available also to select. I understand that this is a bug of NewStand, as it shouldn't be displaying disabled reports.
As I can see in security roles of NPrinting, it goes at App level, when it should go at report level, as it is a more disaggregated level than App (otherwise Qlik shouldn't allow multiple reports in one App). There is no point on being able to select what App to display and not what report.
Thank you.
Best regards.
You first generated and published on the NewsStand some reports, than you disable thore reports in the Web Console. Disabling in the Web Console means that, starting from that moment, the disabled reports will be ignored by the publish tasks where they are inserted, but, generated copied are different files, in different locations and will not be deleted after disabling the original template.
There is not a feature to delete reports that are already published in the NewsStand. If you want to delete already published reports, please contact the support team.
The Qlik NPrinting security works at App level, it is not possible, at the moment November 2019, to set access at a report level. The only solution is the one suggested by @Lech_Miszkiewicz , so you have to create different app, give to users access to those apps and insert the reports in the apps.
Best Regards,
I never generated and published these reports on the NewStand. All reports are appearing in NewStand (regardless I generated and/or published them or not)
Moreover, what @Lech_Miszkiewicz is suggesting is not a solution, as if I want to have a task with multiple reports as I have now, with your proposed solution I won't be able of do this, as you can't add multiple Apps in a task (unless I duplicate everything for NewStand and the tasks, what makes no sense).
Therefore, at the moment, the only solution is the rules to worki also at report level and not only App level.
Thank you.
If a report is generated and published in the NewsStand it means that there was at least a publish task with the NewStand selected as destination and that the task was run at least one time.
If with visible you mean that a NewsStand user can see the report and create a custom subscription, this is because the security works only at app level. The NewsStand user has the rights to see the reports in a specific app, so he/she can create a custom schedule for those reports.
The Qlik NPrinting security works only at app level, so you need to create two or more apps, distribute the template in those apps, in order to manage the report visibility for users, and create different publish tasks, at least one for each app.
It is not possible, at the moment (November 2019), to set security options at a report level.
Best Regards,