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Nprinting cache status: Error. What to do?

Hello everyone,

Im new at the community, and thank you all just for enter to see this.

I have a problem, with Nprinting Novermber 2017, I'm trying to create a connexion to an app on my Qlik sense on the server, but when Im trying to the connection between the App I created on Nprinting and the app created on Sense, it displays me the next image:

Estado de cache = Cache Status.

Did someone had the same trouble? or know why this could happend?

Tthe app im trying to make connection with has the next details:
Number of objects: 163
Size: 24.33 MB
this app has historical data, since 2009 to 2017, so the amount of data load is a lot.

Thank you all and have a great day.

Pablo Lopez.

1 Reply
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Pablo,

I do not know where to start.

I probably remind you of very basic things we need to do first which is an information you are giving us. There is not enough!!

You need to provide us more information for example:

  • screenshot of your connection setting so we can verify potential errors thre
  • screenshot of what your connection validation check result is as it will give you most of the information you are missing

use  ‌ to make sure that you meet all requirements - there is a lot you need to learn and a lot of requirements you need to meet so i leave it with you to check that you are meeting all of them:

cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.