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Defect acknowledgement with Nprinting Engine May 2022 SR2, please READ HERE
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Contributor III
Contributor III

Piramide graph in NPrinting

Hi all,

I´m having an issue when exporting from qlikview a piramide graph where the values on the X axis should all be positive as the grapg represnts the distribution of the population per sex and age.
The values within qliview are presented as expected with  positive values on the X axis, but when exported to NPrinting as an image, the values to the left of the 0 on the X axis are presented in negative values.

Is anyone experienced this issue or have a solution?


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17 Replies
Contributor III
Contributor III


Sorry I couldn´t respond before.

In the qvw I attached I don´t have negative value since i´m using the number formatting:




So i´m not sure why when you open the file it presents to you negative values.

Could you please tell me how do I export the file in Zip as you asked?




Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP


I would assume this could be a problem with regional settings (number formats) on your NPrinting server. First thing to check would be:

  • logon as service account to your NPrinting engine server 
  • open QlikView desktop and open your application
  • observer results - do you get expected results? 

If you get expected results I would then repeat the same steps using "Open in server" option when opening qvw. 



cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Contributor III
Contributor III


Just found out how to export the zip file.

Please find it attached. Hope it can help find the problem.


Same result when using the Word report that you shared with us.

This appears to be working as designed.


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Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi Frank,

I can see in the screenshot you sent that the report from NPrinting also has negative values (fot males). 

I´m trying to present those values in positive and still leave them left to the '0'. In qlik i´m succeeding doing so using the 'Number' tab and the format number to show absolute values.

Could you get to present this graph in nprinting with positive values only (as the qvw file has)?

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi, As I mentioned before - there is something wrong with the settings you are using or maybe regional settings or maybe compatibility issue regarding QlikView, QlikView Desktop and NPrinting. Hard to say. Using latest versions of software you can see below the results. I just took your qvw file from this post, throw it into word template and result you can see below - working as expected.




cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Contributor III
Contributor III


Could you please explain in more details how can I check the compatibility between qvw and NPrinting regarding the regional settings ans number formatting?


Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

I didn't say compatibility between qvw and NPrinting - I asked to check regional settings and I also asked another questions in my previous post which would help identify problem. Have you done that and could you provide us with the results of those test?

Then you can also do following:

  • Check what are the OS regional settings on NPrinting engine machine
  • Check if version of QlikView  (server and desktop) you are using is compatible with the version of NPrinting (this is documented on
    • What version are you using?
  • What NPrinting connection to QlikView (LOCAL or SERVER) are you using?



cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.