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Defect acknowledgement with Nprinting Engine May 2022 SR2, please READ HERE
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Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Qlik NPrinting Designer not open with message object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Our Qlik NPrinting is connected to two different Qlik Sense.
When I opened Qlik NPrinting designer which connected specific Qlik sense server, Qlik NPrinting designer not open with this message.


" object reference not set to an instance of an object."


I searched for this problem and tried the following methods.

1. Restart computer(Qlik NPrinting server, Qlik NPrinting Designer server)
2. Reload the connection meta data in the web consol.
3. Identify Qlik Sense the https:// 'listening' port.
4. Check Windows Display Settings - 100%
5. Checked Qlik Sense App. There's no extension and no wrong dim or value or vaildations.
6. checked MS office. If I Open Qlik NPrinting designer which connected another Qlik sense server then designer is working.
7. Qlik NPrinting Server, Engine and Designer is same version.
8. Checked installed version of .NET Framework.

There's only specific Qlik Sense server have problem. Connecting Another Qlik Sense is working!!

What do I do!?

Please advice.


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5 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP




cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Hi Lech_Miszkiewicz,

  • Meets all but one of the requirements.

    Qlik N printing users and Qlik Sense users do not have the same domain, but Qlik N printing users who create connections have the Rootamin role in both Qlik Sense.

  • Issues on only one server.

I use it well before without this issue.
However, the Qlik Nprinting designer has no responding the process while editing the html report template, so I ended task through the task manager.
Since then, this problem has occurred.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

HI @MeehyeOh 

When you say: "Qlik N printing users and Qlik Sense users do not have the same domain"

  • do you mean that Qlik NPrinting service account and Qlik Sense service account are in d different domains?
  • do you mean that both servers are in different domains?
  • or do you mean that NPrinting recipients are from different domain? If that's the case then there is no issue.
  • What do you see when you validate metadata connection? Do you get all checkmarks green?
  • Are you able to regenerate metadata of that connection?

Qlik NPrinting and Qlik Sense must be in the same domain. If they are not then to me this subject is closed and first thing to do is meet requirements (all of them!).


cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Hi @Lech_Miszkiewicz 


I deleted the all app and connection containing the problematic report.

And I was created same apps, connections, and reports then I able to edit report template.

I haven't found a cause, but..Anyway, I made a report HAHA



 @MeehyeOh glad you got it working!