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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Qlik Sense NPrinting - add total table (PowerPoint template)

Dear all,

I'm currently working with NPrinting (version April )PowerPoint template and we need to add a total in a table (but no total option is available).

How we can do that?

Thank you for your help.

Kind regards,


1 Reply


Please see the below information:

"There are two useful table properties that can be used to modify QlikView data displayed in the PowerPoint slides. They will not work with Qlik Sense data:

  • Custom Rows
  • Show Totals

Custom Rows is used to control the number of rows displayed in a table. For example, if you have a Sales table in QlikView that is sorted by Sales description and has 1000 rows, you may want to reduce the number of rows displayed in PowerPoint.

The range of rows that you want to display is entered in the format x-y (for example, 1-10 or 5-20). If y is greater than the maximum number of rows in the table (excluding Header and Totals rows), then only the number of rows available after xwill be exported (total number of rows = 100, range 80-110, resulting rows displayed = 80-100).

The Show Totals check box allows you to export a table with or without the totals row of the QlikView table. This property is only available if the table has a totals row that can be detected by Qlik NPrinting.

Note:The Custom Rows and ShowTotals properties are related to tables and are not available for single columns."
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Thank you,
