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Defect acknowledgement with Nprinting Engine May 2022 SR2, please READ HERE
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Contributor II
Contributor II

app objects not appearing in html

i am trying to get images in nprinting from my qliksense app. some object id's are not appearing in the preview and some are appearing. the qliksense app is the same. can anyone help with this issue? these are two objects from the same qliksense app in the image below. the right object id does not appear in the preview.



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Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP


Object Id's apper in "NPrinitng designer" only which when previewed produces its images/data. Did you mean that some object Ids are not present in NPrinitng Designer when you are trying to add them to object list?

If yes then there are quite straight forward thing you need to check:

  • is your configuration supported - are you using compatible combinations of NPrinting and Qlik Sense?
  • did you reload NPrinitng connection metadata? You must reload metadata when creating or changing objects in the app!
  • is the app published?
  • is the sheet published/approved with the object you are trying to add. It is a good practice to have all objects used in nprinitng in base sheets/approved sheets in published app!
  • do you have section access in the app - if yes make sure that account used for that NPrinting connection can access it. The fact that you can see it does not mean other (NPrinitng) can if sectipn access is used.
  • are you using native Qlik Sense objects (not extensions?). If you are using extensions it may be that those are not supported
  • is this object placed in container maybe or straight on the Qlik Sense sheet?



cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.