Sub-routines included:
(1) DropAllTables(parTableExceptions_PIPE_Delimited)
- Drop all tables, except the table names you pipe-delimit in the parameter.
(2) MappingFromQVD(parQVDTargetFolder,parQVDName,parMappingTableName_Optional,parMappingField1,parMappingField2)
- If mapping from a QVD will use a resident reload to go faster for QVDs of more that 100,000 rows.
(3) QVDFilterDate(parScriptLoadStatementSubName,parQVDStartDate,parQVDEndDate,parQVDDateField_Name,parQVDDateField_NUMorDateFormat)
- Load faster from large QVDs using a support table with dates.
(4) QVDFilterField(parScriptLoadStatementSubName,parQVDFilterONField_Name,parQVDFieldFilters_PIPE_Delimited)
- Load faster from large QVDs using a support table with field filter-values (N.B. Be cautious with field data types).
(5) QVDFileNamesList(parQVDTargetFolder,parQVDNamePrefix,parLoadLastNFiles)
- Get a list of filenames in a folder that have naming-convention "[Filename_Prefix]_[YYYYMM].qvd".
(6) QVDFileNamesLoad(parQVDTargetFolder,parQVDNamePrefix,parLoadLastNFiles,parOPTIONALsubName)
- Load a list of QVDs in a folder that have naming-convention "[Filename_Prefix]_[YYYYMM].qvd".
(7) DistinctFieldValues(parField)
- Create a table with unique field-values.
(8) DatesToBeFilled(parDateFieldRequiringFill,parDESC_or_ASC_Date_Ordering).
- Create a table that gives you "missing date" values and the earliest previous (ASC) or earlies next (DESC) date.
(9) QVDCreateYMSlices(parTableNameNEEDToNameAsTargetQVDs,parTargetFolder,parDateFieldNameToCreateQVDSlices,parPRIMARYkey)
- Automatically create YYYYMM QVDs from a table you have loaded in the script.
(999) QVDCreateYMSlicesFromQVD(parSourceQVDFolder,parSourceQVDFile,parTargetFolder,parDateFieldNameToCreateQVDSlices)
- Create YYYYMM QVD slices from a big QVD to get you started with an incremental YYYYMM QVD storing strategy.