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I have seen a few posts around this but have not seen a clear answer on it. I am wondering if there is any way to read the CalData.pgo file and possibly modify it. I am basically looking for a way to modify and manage our user licenses and manage them outside of the QEMC/QMC. Does anyone do this currently or know of a way to do it?
Here a short example wrote in c# you may find in the QVS SDK, hope help.
Here a short example wrote in c# you may find in the QVS SDK, hope help.
Thanks for the information. Any chance you can give me a link to the download for this SDK? I am not able to find this on the download center.
SDK is contained in the Qlikview Server installation package, Regards.
why do i get a ' hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character' error?
@ this line:
oXMLAnswer.LoadXml(oQVClient.Execute("<update mark='' view='' level='0' stamp='' kind='MetaServiceData_obj' ident='new:" + fileName + "'/> "));
Well, your question is a bit criptic. The example submitted was completely working with v9, are you using v10?
v10 .. but i solved this using the API from Qlikview. Wrote a small C# program to do this job
may you gently share with it with other ppl?
I am looking for the code to read PGO files from outside qlikview. Can any one please share the code. The link code provided above doesn't work.
Reviving this post
I also need the code and the link doesn't work. Can someone repost is please?