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Data filtering based on .NET user session token

Hi, I have a .NET website in which we authenticate users using Forms authentication, which basically means there's no NTLM authentication. Forms authentication relies on a session cookie in the browser to indetify the user throughout the session lifespan.

I've also managed to embedd a QlikView document inside one of the aspx pages by using an inline frame (iFrame) html element (using AJAX ZFC), and setting the QV server and access point to allow anonymous access (in the background of course the NTLM user is user is the Anonymous account setup by the AccessPoint).

Now the problem: I want to be able to filter data based on the user who is currenlty logged on into the website. Since the logon is managed by .NET, I don't really have an NTLM user that I can use with the NT variable in the Session Access, nor I want the users to fill in a User/Passw popup.

Is there a way to accomplish this selective filtering with the setup I described? I tried to pass parameters to the QV object in the URL but I don't know if there is a way to retrieve them.

By the way I'm also trying the workbench but the same problem happens when I load the document through the datasource, I don't have a way to pass the QV document a parameter that will allow me to filter data based on a Section Access.

Any pointers, ideas, documentation wpould be hightly aprecciated.

10 Replies
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Hi Erik,

thank you for your attention. I'm doing a lot of tests and i found next conclusion:

- some objects that have more than 10 columns are not displayed (or, in general, all the objects with long width columns). I try to adjust properties of QV objects (width and height) with no effect.

It appears as a problem of rendering, infact i can see the object if i cut a column at time in the original object and try to display it in aspx page. is there a guideline for the correct setting of qv workbench object?

Another similar problem is the next: if i access to the aspx page with my credential, i can see all the objects that i insert, and some other users-credential can. But two users can't see one particular object in the page: first i think about a problem of browser but it isn't the cause becouse if i test the same page with my usual browser with there credential i can't see the object too.

