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Hello all: This is my first post. Can anyone let me know how to delete a task under "System/Supporting Tasks/External Program"? Thanks. -Tim
Hello Tim
I would like you to double check before deleting any tasks. I would suggest you to go to help section here where you can find additional information on adding and deleting tasks. Click on System tab on QMC -> Supporting tasks -> Click on External Programs. Once you are in external programs you can see Help button on top right, click on it you would get more information on adding and deleting tasks.
Hello Tim ,
For more clarity ,Do you want to delete reload task in QMC ?
If yes ,go to System->documents->for every document there will be task if you created earlier .
Just right click on it and delete
Thanks for the reply Vankat,
No, this is not a reload task...I am trying to delete a task that calls a bat file. It is located under the System tab then Supporting Tasks and then under External Program. I do not see any way to delete it. Thanks again.
Hello Tim
I would like you to double check before deleting any tasks. I would suggest you to go to help section here where you can find additional information on adding and deleting tasks. Click on System tab on QMC -> Supporting tasks -> Click on External Programs. Once you are in external programs you can see Help button on top right, click on it you would get more information on adding and deleting tasks.
Clicking on the folder displayed the list for deletion. Thanks for pushing me to the solution. -Tim
Sounds Good. Glad it worked.