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Error on Reload Engine

Hi There,

I have just set up Qlikview Server, I loaded QV desktop on the server to test reloads of the models from the server etc. When refreshing from Desktop on the New Server there are no errors and reload runs smoothly, as soon as i create a task for this model and try to set it to refresh every Hour it gives me an error, i had a look at the log file and got this:

13/10/01:       Reload Executed By SV-QLIK2\administrator

13/10/01:       Process Executing: QVB

13/10/01:       Process ID: 12164

13/10/01: 0002  SET ThousandSep=','

13/10/01: 0003  SET DecimalSep='.'

13/10/01: 0004  SET MoneyThousandSep=','

13/10/01: 0005  SET MoneyDecimalSep=','

13/10/01: 0006  SET MoneyFormat='R #,##0,00;R-#,##0,00'

13/10/01: 0007  SET TimeFormat='hh:mm:ss'

13/10/01: 0008  SET DateFormat='YY/MM/DD'

13/10/01: 0009  SET TimestampFormat='YY/MM/DD'

13/10/01: 0010  SET MonthNames='Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;Jul;Aug;Sep;Oct;Nov;Dec'

13/10/01: 0011  SET DayNames='Mon;Tue;Wed;Thu;Fri;Sat;Sun'

13/10/01: 0013  directory D:\QlikView\QVData\PSP

13/10/01: 0063  ODBC CONNECT*

13/10/01:       Error: SQL##f - SqlState: 28000, ErrorCode: 18452, ErrorMsg: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication.

13/10/01:       General Script Error

13/10/01:       Execution Failed

13/10/01:      Execution finished.

Please advise, help is much appreciated.


10 Replies
Not applicable


Obviously an error with the connection.  Are you running this fine on your machine?  This will be because you have the driver and authenication set up on your machine.  You need to replicate this on the server itself - i.e. it looks like you need to install the driver on the Server.  .

Hopefully that will get you up and running.


Not applicable

Hi Steve, no i'm refreshing it manually from the server using Qlikview Desktop. When i set it to Automatically Reload using Reload Engine it gives me the error, Gives me errors if i use both OLE DB and ODBC connections. I'm sure it's got something to do with Server authentication?

Former Employee
Former Employee

This is an issue with connectivity and ODBC. If you google the error you will find things to check on the SQL side.


Bill - Principal Technical Support Engineer at Qlik
To help users find verified answers, please don't forget to use the "Accept as Solution" button on any posts that helped you resolve your problem or question.
Specialist III
Specialist III


It shows that the error is generated due to ODBC connection. First you create a DSN and then go for the reload schedule. Hope it will help.

Best regards.

Not applicable

Hi Richard

It could be that Qlikview is authenticating on your username when you run via desktop, but is using the QV administrator account when authenticating via the QMEC.  Do all accounts have access to your source?

I'm a little outside my comfort zone here, but I remember suffering a similar issue a couple of years ago myself.



Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

From the error message, I get that SQL Server is refusing your login attempt (no problem with ODBC here) because the domain from which you try to login is not trusted. SQL Server is probably configured to use Windows authentication instead of SQL Server authentication. This means that SQL server uses sort of SSO to let you in.

When you do a desktop reload on the server, you're probably logged in into the same Windows domain (or at least a trusted one) as the SQL server, but QVS isn't. Have the QlikView services been configured to run under a local (e.g. machine) account?

Just a guess.


Not applicable

You were spot on Steve, thanks. I changed the user account accessing the services to the Account i was logged in as. Everything is working fine.

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

Not applicable

Glad I could provide a helpful answer.

All the best


Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Had the same issue. Thanks for finding a solution. I was wondering if I can switch QS Services back to QSAdmin user account now? Have you tried it?