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Creator II
Creator II

Governance Dashboard reload Task failiure with Publisher

Hi All,

Only the governance dashboard task is failing after I split services on two virtual server machines.  I have the following setup:

Server 1 = QVS, QVWS.  The Governance Dashboard, other source documents, and Accesspoint folder reside on this server

Server 2 = QMS, QDS, DSC

Ideally, I think the source folder should be on the same server with QDS. In this case I am doing some testing and I did not want to move all the documents over and kept them on server 1. The only thing I moved over to server 2 was the QVPR to keep all the created tasks.

I have checked all the paths in the QMC and they are UNC mapped to server 1 for QDS and QVS. Also, the configuration paths in the governance document are UNC mapped to the servers. Manual reoad of the governance document works fine and is reading logs from both servers.

I am using v1.1 of Governance Dashboard and server SR5. When I run the task from QMC I get a document failed log file on Server 1 (in the governance folder) and task log file (in QDS folder) on server 2. So at least I know it is getting to the document.

All the  other reload tasks seem to work fine. Only the Governance Dashboard is failing...any ideas?

Thanks for the help!

32 Replies

You can publish it to specific users or user groups in Publisher as you would any other app.

One thing to remember is that each QDS server which might reload the app should 1) have the Governance Dashboard installed and 2) have appropriate read/write access to the shared folder where the Governance Dashboard.qvw and profile folders reside.

Contributor III
Contributor III

Data lineage of QVD files.

How can I trace what generator (QVW) created what qvd file.

currently i select a qvd and trace it back to which qvw (dashboard) make use of that qvd. however I don't see any chart that shows which qvd generator is producing or creating that particular QVD.

Is it possible.


You should be able to find that information in the Lineage page --- the Process which creates the QVD. Select the QVD from the "Target" list box (on the left) and the Process listed should be the creator of that QVD. 

For this to work, the Dashboard must be scanning either 1) the 'target' QVD or 2) the Process qvw (that creates the QVD).