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How to Integrate QlikView Access point in SharePoint

Hi everybody,

is there any clue somene could provide please ?

Share Point is already in use in Intranet "Company" solution for users.

Can QlikView be used from Share Point and how?

Best regards


7 Replies
Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Hi, yer you can but you need another license, ie  QlikView Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint, attached a pdf on the subject.



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Hi Christian,

How to integrate with SharePoint will depend on the version of SharePoint you have installed.

MOSS 2007 and SharePoint 2010 - QlikView Webparts/
SharePoint 2012+ you require Workbench and create an integration using "div tags" method.

Incidentally, workbench "div tag" method is backward compatible (supporting MOSS 2007 & SharePoint 2010)

My advice is progress with Workbench solution,  rather than use QlikView Webparts.

Hope this is useful?  If this is useful please mark the question as answered.

Thanks Steve

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Thank you Steve(s),

SharePoint 2010 is installed

Do you have any idea how long it takes to realise installation QV Web Part for SharePoint and how much cost the licence ?

Same question for WorkBench

best regards


Not applicable

Hi Chris,

Just checking you have Enterprise Edition and not Small Business Edition Server, as the later doesn't support SharePoint integration?

I would recommend looking at the Workbench solution instead of the Webparts approach. I would say each solution should take no more than 1/2 a day to configure correctly, you may complete the configuration quicker than 1/2 day it is not that complicated to set-up. The integration to SharePoint Sites or Pages vary in the time they take 5 minutes - 1 hour (depending on what you are trying to do). An entire QlikView application/document can be embedded within Webparts within SharePoint.  Individual objects or collections of objects can be quickly and easier embedded within SharePoint and work in the usual way displaying selected data, associated data and unrelated data based upon the users selection.   

I have a price list, however the price may vary based upon where you are located. The best option maybe to contact your QlikView Account Manager, who will be able to provide pricing information to you. Based upon my price list,  both QlikView Webparts and Workbench are identically priced.

Hope this helps?

Thanks Steve 

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Thank you Steve

I have to dig into documentation to understand how it works

However i will base my delay on your recommandations. I hope i will fit with it

Best regards


Contributor II
Contributor II

We just use a standard Web Part page in SharePoint and display the QlikView app through a Page Viewer web part.  We have the QlikView web part, however, since we are displaying entire apps, page viewer works best for us.

Not applicable

I would suggest not to use WebParts because it only alows you to deploy QlikView objects in Share Point.

If you would like to open the QlikView accespoint in Sharepoint just create an new iframe and use the accesspoints url to display the accesspoint in SharePoint.

You would probably like a single-sign-on solution which can be achieved with certificates.

The only restriction would be external availability. If you placed the QV server on an internal server.

But this issue is fixable by placing a second webserver in DMZ or something like that.

Hope this points you in the right direction.
