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Creator III
Creator III

How to copy a shared file from access point

Does anyone know if it is possible to copy the shared file from access point and use the shared objects inside in another document in access point?

The reason being is i have renamed a documnet in publisher and now there is a new shared object with the new document. I would like to be able to just rename the old shared document which contained many shared views and put it into the new shared file?

8 Replies

It is possible to rename a shared objects file (and a .meta data file for that matter) to the new document name and have it use the shared components contained therein. But what it sounds like you are asking is if you can "combine" the previously shared objects with the newly created one(s). I do not think this is possible. If you rename the old shared objects file name to correspond with the new file name it will have to overwrite the existing to be used.

So you can either use the new one, or rename it to shared.old, or something, and rename the preexisting (corresponding to the previous file name) one to be the same name as your application and have the users who created the new shared objects recreate them so they are saved with the previously shared objects.

Either way you will have to trade one set of shared objects for the other.


Creator III
Creator III

Karl - All i am after is using the old shared file and having that appear.? I have tried raniming the old shared object to the new one, but none of the objects or bookmarks appear?

Any hints?


this is strange because it should work I have done it plenty of times under ntfs and dms mode. What version of qvs are you currently using and what version was the shared file created in? Also make sure it is spelled exactly the same as the new document this includes spaces, capitalization, etc. If you rename the file back to the original name of the shared file does it work then?

Also has anything changed in the qvw itself?


Creator III
Creator III

All I have done is move the DATA.QVW.shared file into our DEV server. I right clicked and selected rename and typed in the new file for the shared file name that has been published, DATA2.QVW.Shared

Once I opn up that app now in acceesss point after it has been distributed, none of the old shared views are there?

We ar on 8.5 accross the board

Creator III
Creator III

and what do you mean under NTFS and dms mode?


just that i have tested it internally using different security methods. Are there any differences in the data2.qvw file than data.qvw? Specifically removed objects which the shared objects would be referring to? Or are the files exactly the same... If so I would suggest opening a support case as this should work with no issues if the files are exactly the same.


Creator III
Creator III

I did this in our DEV and it worked,

Does this take some time to refresh??


Thanks for the help


It should not, it should be instant. Weird indeed. Good to hear it works. I was afraid it might have been some sort of file corruption.
