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Creator III
Creator III

How to make IE access point Doc open in New Window

Good afternoon, In our 8.5 environment, once we have published a doc using publisher, the IE document automatically opens up in a new window, which is perfect.

In 9.0, the same link opens up in the same window, does anyone know if you can change this?

21 Replies
Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

I've tested this and it works perfectly. I set directories = no and status = 0 to give the proper "application" look I was going for, although I have seen that certain users' browsers still display the IE address bar, which I would think is a security setting somewhere.

In point 3, the second plugin.href should be

To me it seems to be a step backwards to have removed this feature from the default Access Point and made it so tricky to implement. Ideally it should be a checkbox on the Access Point page of the Enterprise Management Console, similar to the "Show Link" option for the Plugin Download.

Thanks for your help Vlad.

Master II
Master II


Glad it worked for you. You're right about step #3 (that was a typo). I agree that this would be a great feature to have built-in. Maybe suggest it to support?


Not applicable


I have been looking for this solution for days. Never appeared in any of my forum searches. Thanks a ton for your work on this question. It worked well for me also on the Thumbnails. I still get the toolbars when I select a document name using the "Details" view. Any ideas on how to fix it?

I too wish there was a checkbox for open with QV toolbar only.



Not applicable

Vlad / Anyone,

With the above fixes, I was still having issues with launcing the plugin without the IE toolbars/menus when the "Details" view is selected on the accesspoint. I follow Vlads changes and added one more that appears to have fixed my issues.

In the Qva.Mgr.aplist.prototype.Paint_Details code, I changed this code:

if(can_use_client) {
cell.innerHTML = '<a href="#"></a>';
cell = cell.firstChild;
cell.href = CreateOpenDocUrl(id, pref_client); = target;


if(can_use_client) {
cell.innerHTML = '<a name="#" href="#" onclick="javascript:OpenLink(this)"></a>';
cell = cell.firstChild; = CreateOpenDocUrl(id, pref_client);

It seems to have fixed my issues with the details view and opening in the correct IE without toolbars/menus. I am not a JavaScript programmer, so was wondering if I could be missing something?



Not applicable

Ok. Now I have a problem that after making the changes in this forum, that I only get one Qvw to open at a time. I can open one report just fine. When I choose to open another report, that new report opens over the current report that is open. Any suggestions?

Master II
Master II

With the release of SR3, this is no longer relevant. You now have an option to choose how documents open (new window or not). I see in your signature that you're upgrading to 9.0--make sure you install SR3. It also fixes a bunch of SR2 bugs, so it's a good idea in any case.


Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

I installed SR3 about three weeks ago and I noticed the new option to select how you want documents to open. This is an improvement, but it still doesn't address my original issue, which was that I wanted the documents to open in a new window without the browser menu and toolbar, as they did from Access Point in QV 8.5. The new window that opens now still has the browser menu and toolbar, so it doesn't have that "application" feel that I am looking for.

It does however give you the option to reuse the same window, or open each document in a separate new window, which addresses the other issue raised above.

Hopefully we'll get the option to disable the menu and toolbars in a future release.

Not applicable

We were able to figure this out. The 'mywindow' in the openlink function needs to be modified to display a new name for each new window. The accesspoint now opens as in previous versions of QV.

Not applicable

Hi, jsomsen. I didnt understand, exactly how did you fix this. Where is 'mywindow'? Thanks in advance, regards, Ludvig.

Not applicable

Here is the OpenLink code with its modifications:

function OpenLink(object, number) {,"Window" + number,"toolbar=no,location=no,directories=yes,status=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,copyhistory=yes,resizable=yes");

Here is example of the call to the OpenLink function:

cell.innerHTML = '<a name="#" href="#" onclick="javascript:OpenLink(this,' + i + ')"></a>';
cell = cell.firstChild; = CreateOpenDocUrl(id, pref_client);

I had an internal source help me with the modification, but I hope I gave you enough to get it working.
