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Contributor III
Contributor III

Log bucket error exception

I have this problem and It is unknown for me as new user. If anyone know about this problem then give me some advice to solve. Thanks in advance

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: DistributeTask[d6061f8a-72e8-47fb-bfec-a806ce0f8323] ("Reload of CBD Bussiness Intilegence.qvw"): TryStart - Starting task. Triggered by 'ManualStartTrigger'. Id:00000001-0002-0003-0405-0607080a0b0c. ExecID:32d3ba85-7872-4f14-85f8-fb2fb40021e8

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: Entering Task Execution.

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: ClusterID=1

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: QDSID=29c25d09-2055-6d71-1253-9208f720f054

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: TaskID=d6061f8a-72e8-47fb-bfec-a806ce0f8323

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: ExecID=32d3ba85-7872-4f14-85f8-fb2fb40021e8

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: MaxRunTime=1.00:00:00

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: MachineName=QLIKVIEWPUB

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: Task execution max attempts=1

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: Task execution current attempt=1

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: Task Dependencies are OK

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: The task "Reload of CBD Bussiness Intilegence.qvw" is starting

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: Document is marked to be Reloaded with fresh data. Initializing Reload for Distribution.

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: Opening "\\\AccessPoint\LOREAL-All Product\CBD_Business_Intilegence.qvw"

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: Allocating new QlikView Engine. Current usage count=2 of 4 (of type non-reader).

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: Max retries:5

(10/17/2019 1:51:44 PM) Information: Attempt:01

(10/17/2019 1:51:45 PM) Information: Opened the QlikView Engine successfully. ProcessID=9704

(10/17/2019 1:51:45 PM) Information: Allocated QlikView Engine successfully. Current usage count=3 of 4 (of type non-reader). Ticket number=28690.

(10/17/2019 1:51:45 PM) Information: Loading document "\\\AccessPoint\LOREAL-All Product\CBD_Business_Intilegence.qvw" (597.82 Mb)

(10/17/2019 1:51:46 PM) Information: Loading. LoadTime=00:00:01.0000438

(10/17/2019 1:51:48 PM) Information: Loading. LoadTime=00:00:03.0021596

(10/17/2019 1:51:52 PM) Information: Loading. LoadTime=00:00:07.0163929

(10/17/2019 1:51:59 PM) Information: Physical FileSize=597.82 Mb. Memory Allocation Delta for this file=84.95 Mb. Available Physical Memory Before Open=61485.91 Mb. Available Physical Memory After Open=61526.33 Mb. Total Physical Memory=64419.55 Mb.

(10/17/2019 1:51:59 PM) Information: Attempted to load the document without data.

(10/17/2019 1:51:59 PM) Information: The document was loaded successfully.

(10/17/2019 1:51:59 PM) Information: Document was opened successfully

(10/17/2019 1:51:59 PM) Information: Starting reload

(10/17/2019 1:51:59 PM) Information: The Source Document is being reloaded. DocumentPath=\\\AccessPoint\LOREAL-All Product\CBD_Business_Intilegence.qvw

(10/17/2019 1:52:00 PM) Information: Reloading.

(10/17/2019 1:52:01 PM) Information: Reloading..

(10/17/2019 1:52:02 PM) Information: Reloading...

(10/17/2019 1:52:03 PM) Information: Reloading....

(10/17/2019 1:52:04 PM) Information: Reloading.....

(10/17/2019 1:52:05 PM) Information: Reloading......

(10/17/2019 1:52:06 PM) Information: Reloading.......

(10/17/2019 1:52:07 PM) Information: Reloading........

(10/17/2019 1:52:08 PM) Information: Reloading.........

(10/17/2019 1:52:09 PM) Information: Reloading..........

(10/17/2019 1:52:10 PM) Information: Slow down logging. Log every <2> seconds.

(10/17/2019 1:52:10 PM) Information: Reloading

(10/17/2019 1:52:12 PM) Information: Reloading.

(10/17/2019 1:52:14 PM) Information: Reloading..

(10/17/2019 1:52:16 PM) Information: Reloading...

(10/17/2019 1:52:18 PM) Information: Reloading....

(10/17/2019 1:52:20 PM) Information: Reloading.....

(10/17/2019 1:52:22 PM) Information: Reloading......

(10/17/2019 1:52:24 PM) Information: Reloading.......

(10/17/2019 1:52:26 PM) Information: Reloading........

(10/17/2019 1:52:28 PM) Information: Reloading.........

(10/17/2019 1:52:30 PM) Information: Reloading..........

(10/17/2019 1:52:32 PM) Information: Slow down logging. Log every <10> seconds.

(10/17/2019 1:52:32 PM) Information: Reloading

(10/17/2019 1:52:42 PM) Information: Reloading.

(10/17/2019 1:52:52 PM) Information: Reloading..

(10/17/2019 1:53:03 PM) Information: Reloading...

(10/17/2019 1:53:13 PM) Information: Reloading....

(10/17/2019 1:53:24 PM) Information: Reloading.....

(10/17/2019 1:53:34 PM) Information: Reloading......

(10/17/2019 1:53:44 PM) Information: Reloading.......

(10/17/2019 1:53:55 PM) Information: Reloading........

(10/17/2019 1:54:05 PM) Information: Reloading.........

(10/17/2019 1:54:16 PM) Information: Reloading..........

(10/17/2019 1:54:27 PM) Information: Slow down logging. Log every <60> seconds.

(10/17/2019 1:54:27 PM) Information: Reloading

(10/17/2019 1:55:29 PM) Information: Reloading.

(10/17/2019 1:56:07 PM) Information: The Source Document reload complete. DocumentPath=\\\AccessPoint\LOREAL-All Product\CBD_Business_Intilegence.qvw

(10/17/2019 1:56:07 PM) Information: Memory Allocation Delta for this file=20.84 Mb. Available Physical Memory Before Reload=61526.33 Mb. Available Physical Memory After Reload=61391.05 Mb. Total Physical Memory=61391.05 Mb.

(10/17/2019 1:56:08 PM) Error: The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully. DocumentPath=\\\AccessPoint\LOREAL-All Product\CBD_Business_Intilegence.qvw.

(10/17/2019 1:56:08 PM) Information: QlikView->Settings->Document Peferences->Generate Logfile in document is not set.

(10/17/2019 1:56:08 PM) Information: Closing the document.

(10/17/2019 1:56:09 PM) Information: Closed the QlikView Engine successfully. ProcessID=9704

(10/17/2019 1:56:09 PM) Error: The task "Reload of CBD Bussiness Intilegence.qvw" failed. Exception: || QDSMain.Exceptions.TaskFailedException: Task execution failed with errors to follow. ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.ReloadFailedException: Reload failed ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.LogBucketErrorException: The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully. DocumentPath=\\\AccessPoint\LOREAL-All Product\CBD_Business_Intilegence.qvw. || at QDSMain.AbstractReloadTask.VerifyConditions(IExecutingTaskResult executingTaskResult) || at QDSMain.AbstractReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, IExecutingTaskResult executingTaskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage) || --- End of inner exception stack trace --- || at QDSMain.AbstractReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, IExecutingTaskResult executingTaskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage) || at QDSMain.DistributeTask.PerformExecute(IExecutingTaskResult executingTaskResult) || --- End of inner exception stack trace --- || at QDSMain.DistributeTask.PerformExecute(IExecutingTaskResult executingTaskResult) || at QDSMain.Task.AbstractTask.TaskExecution(CurrentExecutionArgs args)

(10/17/2019 1:56:09 PM) Information: Task Execute Duration=00:04:25.0931867

(10/17/2019 1:56:09 PM) Information: Sending Alert mail

(10/17/2019 1:56:09 PM) Information: TaskResult.status=Finished

(10/17/2019 1:56:09 PM) Information: Notifying all triggers of new state: "FinishedWithErrors"...

(10/17/2019 1:56:09 PM) Information: Notifying all triggers of new state: "FinishedWithErrors" - Completed

Labels (2)
2 Replies

Hi, opening the document, in configuration -> document properties -> General tab, you can check the option to generate a log file.

This log is created in the same path as the qvw is and gives more information about the loading process.

Former Employee
Former Employee

Shamiul, I think Ruben's post is likely going to show that the reload is actually successful, I am pretty certain you have an issue with the QDS/QVB losing the file lock such that it cannot be saved back to disk.  The most logical issue given this does not take long to run would be to check to see if you have active scanning running related to Anti-Virus client on the machine, if so, you should configure exceptions for our folders, as A/V will cause issues in the environment like this.

Let us know what you find, and we can proceed from there.


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