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Contributor III
Contributor III

Logout button on Access Point (V10)

I am trying to find out how to change the index.htm file to allow the logout feature to be visible, and to allow the logout action to work.  Any solutions?

24 Replies

Ah wait, the flaw is that when you sign out you can just push sign in again to go back in without user authentication.  Still have to close all windows to make it so people need to authenticate to sign in.  Is there any way to have both the sign out feature and the authentication always feature together?

Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

No wonder why this remains a "fake-make-me-happy" feature of it still depends on IE or other browser settings.


Yeah, I started calling it a glorified back button. ☺ I have an idea about making a web page object that times you out and forces back to the authentication page when you push it, but confident I’ll have to learn something more advanced to keep people from navigating around that page to get back in without re-authenticating.

Not applicable

As all the reply above, tried this "correct answer" in QV 11.20 SR8 , but it is just a fake "sign out" button. In my case, I use chrome in ubuntu, this button only refresh the page, but do nothing to "sign out".

Is there any update for this?


Still the same in 11.2 SR12 firefox, chrome, or IE11 I'm afraid.  Likely a reasonably advanced developer could write something outside qlikview that simulates the effect by quietly closing and reopening the browser, but pretty sure that'd hit a lot of snags related to people using that browser for more than qlikview at the same time.

At this point best approach might be use one browser for qlikview and the others for other stuff, so that closing out the qlikview browser to 'log out' won't cause you to have to close your other browser windows.

Contributor III
Contributor III

Is this is a security issue or convenience issue?  If the latter, I think you can add a switch to the IE shortcut:

     iexplore.exe -noframemerging

that should prevent you from having to close ALL your windows. 

I've used it to overcome cookie conflict issues on non-Qlik apps with multiple environments on different tabs.  As long as IE maintains authentication at the frame level (same as a cookie), then only the current frame is authenticated.  This does affect ALL your IE windows and ALL logins, not just Qlik.

If it works, maybe add a window.close() to the logoff button...


Convenience issue at my company, but a minor security issue for other community members where people might be sharing terminals.  (And actually the people sharing terminals should probably be less concerned about having to close all their windows before handing off than admins testing logins that were just created.)

And thanks for the IE approach.  We'd need approaches for google and firefox as well, that could be deployed by an admin ideally.  Or just a qlikview-centric approach.  And probably something for Macs.  Always something for Macs...

Not applicable

You are good once you are signed in but when you  try to sign out it wont sign out


True, there is no actual logout solution in qlikview.  All you can do is closeout the whole browser, or try fancy stuff in your personal browser configurations on chrome ie or firefox.  Colleagues who helped train or test new user credentials just got in the habit of doing that in a separate browser so they could close/reopen without closing out there other pages.  You can make the logout button appear, and when you push it it takes you to a logged out page, but when you push back you're right back in your qlikview document without re-authenticating.  So it's a fake logout button.

The password assistance issue is gone from our company now though - network admin setup a self-service portal for users to reset their own passwords.  (We're using ntname credentials on windows for our qlikview and a couple other applications hosted on our server.)

Also we don't have anyone sharing computers here, so that one's not an issue for us either.  I think other companies had customer service reps and clerks sharing machines on different shifts though and those folks were much more anxious to get a working logout button.  For now, it's just that big X in the upper right corner.   And Yes, close all tabs...

Not applicable

Fake logout button? Really Qlik?

I've worked with many Bi products over 16 years and have never seen such a relatively immature product so widely used by so many people. I guess you get what you pay for.......or maybe not.

Same for NPrinting - Way, way behind the curve. In fact, BusinessObjects had scheduling and distribution services mastered in 1999.

To be sure, Qlikview looks hip, slick and cool but the rest is all hype.

Bottom line - Qlik is not ready for prime time or the enterprise.