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Bom dia pessoal,
Possuo uma macro que executa uma lista de parâmetros, mas o documento precisa estar salvo com os parâmetros pré definidos, eu até criei um macro que salva o arquivo até da certo no modo desenvolvedor, mas quando partimos para o modo web não da certo.
OBS: Funciona somente no qlikview modulo desenvolvedor.
sub salvar_doc
end sub
OBS: funciona no ambiente WEB e desenvolvedor.
Sub carregar
Set WSHshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WSHshell.Run """\\qlikview\QlikView\QV.exe"" /r /vbatch_flag=1 \\QLIKVIEW\Dados\WEB\gera_arquivo.qvw"
End Sub
I think you are asking too much from the QlikView Server that just displays QVW documents in the AJAX client. In the AJAX client, documents are handled by the QlikView Server service. That service is specialised in reading QVWs and loading them in server RAM. However it will not save documents (imagine what should happen when two or more users press this button at the same time). In the AccessPoint, QVW documents are immutable. Even the Server objects that you can add to a document in the AJAX client (if server objects are enabled) are not stored in the QVW. They are kept in separate files (FileName.qvw.Shared) and merged with the file objects in RAM only.
On the other hand, values in inputfield variables are kept in the Shared file as well, so you may have a workaround there to keep your parameter values safe.