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Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

Publisher pdf report error


I am using Publisher to distribute a pdf report via e-mail. However, in the latest report I had to develop, I am not managing to get it distributed to the e-mail addresses as it is supposed. I must also say that we have daily triggers to send other reports and everything is working fine.

The problem with this new report  is the following: it has to be distributed "along" a certain parameter, which can have one of four values. Depending on that value, the report would have 23, 10, 24 or 28 pages. The interesting issue is that I am only getting the 10-page report; the others are not sent (the e-mail addresses are the same) and I receive an e-mail notification of failed task.

I would like to know if there is some kind of limit to the number of pages of a pdf report. I need to understand if I need to improve the script or, on the other hand, if there is some limitation concerning Publisher pdf reports.

I am using QlikView 11 SR2 on a Windows 2008 Server machine.

Thank you & Best regards,

João Duarte

11 Replies
Partner - Specialist II
Partner - Specialist II


can you post the configuration you're using in Management console, please? Also how does that parameter you mention, is interacting with server?, I think that's the clue here.

As a side note, I've seen that when you try to distribute reports with lots of pages (like over 50 pages), the task sometimes fail, but it seems that the number of pages is not an issue for you,


Former Employee
Former Employee

You can try to increase the PDF timeout to see if that helps.

For QVServer Reload Engine you will need to editthe Settings.ini file located in C:\Documents and Settings\Default
User\Application Data\QlikTech\QlikViewBatch\ by adding thePDFPrintTimeoutInSeconds=30 under the [Settings 7] tag somewhere. There is no need to restart any services after adding this, as the QVB process reads the
Settings.ini every time a QVB process is launched.


Bill - Principal Technical Support Engineer at Qlik
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Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

Thank you both for your answers.

@Jaime Aguilar: the parameter I referred to is a number in an Excel file. The reports are supposed to be created for each parameter value. The number of pages of the report will match a second parameter, that is associated with the first one.

@Bill Britt: I did not find exactly that folder path. However, I edited the settings.ini file under C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\QlikViewServer but it keeps sending the 10 page report (parameter value =2) while the other 3 reports (parameter values =1,3 and 4) are not sent.

Is there any other way to change timeouts?


João Duarte

Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

It can also say that the only QlikViewBatch folder I found cointains an Initial.ini file, which has also a [Settings 7].

Nevertheless, the only expression below is a bracketed expression. I believe that I should not edit this file, am I right?

Former Employee
Former Employee


I am sorry, I didn't realize I posted the path for Server 2003. The path for 2008 is

Windows 2008 - C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\QlikTech\QlikViewBatch


Bill - Principal Technical Support Engineer at Qlik
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Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

No problem. I edited that settings.ini file and tried with some different timeout values but the problem still remains.

João Duarte

Former Employee
Former Employee


Can you build a report that has 28 pages and try just running that? I mean without the  parameter and see if that will print and email?

Can you post the distribution log from one of the reports that fail?


Bill - Principal Technical Support Engineer at Qlik
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Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

I have tried running only for the 28-page report's parameter. Yet, it is a good idea trying to send the report without the parameter.

The log file follows apended.

Thank you

João Duarte

Former Employee
Former Employee

Have you stopped and restart the distribution service since you added the setting? If so and it still doesn't work I would open a ticket with support.


Bill - Principal Technical Support Engineer at Qlik
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