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Qlikview services not restarting

Dear Community,

In my scenario, We have Qlikview Small Business server QVS 10 SR1 on Windows server 2003 64 bit. We have hosted 8 documents on it.

The problem started one month ago, when document reload getting failed again and again. Manually they were reloading, if we restart qlikview services and then reload the documents then they were reloading and again next morning scheduled jobs were failed.

So we did 2 things, Wrote a batch file for restarting qlikview services using net stop and net start, and migrated scheduled jobs from qlikview server to windows scheduler.

Again the batch file for restarting qlikview services failed.

Any idea what can be the reasons. I have framed out some of the possible reasons.

1. QVS 10 SR1 should be replaced with QVS 10 SR3.

2. Some windows updates hindering it.

3. In the first batch file for restarting qlikview services using net start / stop commands, using echo for logging errors is blocking the execution.

Please suggest.



5 Replies


Updating to the latest version is always recommended, since they keep improving and debugging the software. Anyway, Are you running the 64 bit of QlikView Server or the 32 bit one? What happens if you click on the "play" button in the QEMC to reload? Are you creating log files (Settings menu, Document Properties, General, Generate Logfile) so you can see when the script stops or even if the reload starts?

Since it's not working in the scheduled task in Windows I think of something related to the operating system, such as problems with the drivers you use to pull data from your database, IP addresses change or something.

Did you check the Event Viewer (startup, run, eventvwr.msc) to see if those errors are being recorded in Windows?

Hope that helps.

Miguel Angel Baeyens

BI Consultant

Comex Grupo Ibérica

Not applicable


I am using 64 bit of QVS.

If Qlikview management console shows failed in tasks ( red ) and i click Play button it fails again.

If i restart services from services.msc and click Play then it works.

That's why i used two batch files, one for restarting qv services and second for reloading.

First batch file for restarting qv services failed.




Ok, so the restarting of services is what fails. Are you allowing (using PAUSE in your batch file) some time for each service to stop and then to start again or even killing the services should they don't respond to the "net stop"? Depending on how much memory are the services running, it can take longer to stop a service than to execute the next "net start" line.

Apart from that, when services restart right, do the logs say anything regarding the reload? Are they performed fine?


Miguel Angel Baeyens

BI Consultant

Comex Grupo Ibérica

Not applicable


I am not batch file expert, so no pause in this just net stop "Qlikview Server" and net start "Qlikview Server".

Can you send me such a batch sample.

Also QVS log shows successfull restart of qlikview server, then qlikview document start reloading and reload complete if server tasks used.

Documents are very small, around 40 users accessing them ( not at same time ) and i never saw memory full or two much load on system.

For last 1 year it was working and this is happening from last momth only.





Check the following code I use to unattendedly stop and start services (the Web Server, you can use any other).

REM Web Server

NET STOP "QlikView WebServer" >> WebServiceBatch.log 2>>&1

REM Kill if the previous didn't work

TASKKILL /F /IM QvWebServer.exe >> WebServiceBatch.log 2>>&1

REM Now the service should be stopped and should start without problems

NET START "QlikView WebServer" >> WebServiceBatch.log 2>>&1

The above will create a logfile that will be appended with the result of the commands

Hope that helps.

Miguel Angel Baeyens

BI Consultant

Comex Grupo Ibérica