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How can I get the qmsedx.exe for qlikview version 9?
Thanks and Regards,
Hi All,
This issue is fixed!.
Please see this thread!
There really wasn't one for version 9. You could make web calls to trigger task. See if the attach will help.
Hi Bill,
Thanks a lot! I think this will solve my problem.
If I am to execute a vb script, how do I set the job password. This needs to be passed as argument.
Thanks and Regards,
Here is what I used.
Hi Bill.
If I am using the below mentioned vb script, then where should I place it on the server?
Then , I believe I should do this:
add button ->properties->actions->external->open URL :
and JobIdOrJobName should be the qlikview document I want to reload?
' Start a Publisher EDX Task
QDS = "http://localhost:4720/qtxs.asmx"
argc = WScript.Arguments.Count
if argc <> 2 then
Wscript.Echo "Usage: trigger-qds.vbs taskName taskPassword"
end if
EDXTASK = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
EDXPSWD = WScript.Arguments.Item(1)
'<Global method="RequestEDX">
' <i_TaskIDOrTaskName>Reload_BBCnews</i_TaskIDOrTaskName>
' <i_Password>password</i_Password>
REQUEST = "<Global method=""RequestEDX"">"
REQUEST = REQUEST & "<i_TaskIDOrTaskName>" & EDXTASK & "</i_TaskIDOrTaskName>"
REQUEST = REQUEST & "<i_Password>" & EDXPSWD & "</i_Password>"
REQUEST = REQUEST & "</Global>"
' execute the request
dim xmlHttp
set xmlHttp = createobject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xmlHttp.open "POST", QDS, False
xmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
xmlHttp.Send REQUEST
' show the response
'WScript.Echo xmlHttp.responseText
' Load the Response into an XML object
dim xml
set xml = createobject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xml.async = false
' Build an XSLT string to extract the TaskStartResult from the XML response
XSLT = "<xsl:stylesheet version=""1.0"""
XSLT = XSLT & " xmlns:xsl=""http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"">"
XSLT = XSLT & "<xsl:template match=""/"">"
XSLT = XSLT & "<xsl:for-each select=""RequestEDX/RequestEDXResult"">"
XSLT = XSLT & "<xsl:value-of select=""TaskStartResult""/>"
XSLT = XSLT & "</xsl:for-each>"
XSLT = XSLT & "</xsl:template>"
XSLT = XSLT & "</xsl:stylesheet>"
'WScript.Echo XSLT
' Load the XSLT into an XML object
dim xsl
set xsl = createobject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xsl.async = false
' Transform the XML result to extract the TaskStartResult
' then skip the first 40 bytes of XML Header
RESULT = Mid(xml.transformNode(xsl),40,99)
Select case RESULT
Case "Success":
RC = 0
Case "TaskNotFound":
RC = 1
Case "OtherError":
RC = 2
Case Other
RC = 90
End Select
WScript.Echo RESULT
WScript.Quit RC
Thanks and Regards,
Anju Gopinath
Should be able to run this from any on the server. When I use one like it, I run it from the desktop.
Hi Bill,
This is what I did. I saved the above script as trigger-qds.vbs which I placed on the desktop.
I have two qvw files. One which I want to reload named reloadvictim.qvw and another
one named testreload.qvw with a button.
I gave properties -> actions -> external->open url
but, it shows web page not found
Hi Bill,
I changed the name of the file to requestedx.aspx as the url we are calling is
but , even with this change , it is not working. I think the script has to be changed to handle
being called via access point instead of command line?
Could you please share the script you used for reload?
Thanks and Regards,
Anju Gopinath
I was able to solve it by another method.
First, I created a macro:
Sub External
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WSHShell.Run ("D:\testserver.bat")
End Sub
The contents of testserver.bat is:
"C:\Program Files\QlikView\Publisher\Distribution Service\QlikviewDistributionService.exe" -r="C:\QlikViewMount\RN60-ConsolidatedCostofProgrammingReport.qvw"
On button click, I call the macro External.
Also created another macro that executes ActiveDocument.SetClearState to refresh the document.
Now, I am trying to see if I can merge the contents of the .bat file into the script as well.
But, thanks a lot, Bill!
Hi All,
This issue is fixed!.
Please see this thread!