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I am implementing security through AD groups and NT names . After implementing security my publisher reload is failing and showing error like failed to open document. I have tried with diferrent solution by giving Admin username and password in section access in server but thats also not working. If any one can help me out with that will be very help full.
If you are using AD security in section access (ie NTNAME (and maybe NTDOMAINSID)), then you dont need a password.
Does the account under which the server is operating have ADMIN access in the document's section access?
I am using AD security using NT name and if i am not giving username and password in Section Access of Server then also my scheduler reload is failing on server.
And I am the ADMIN for Qlikview and have all the access.
If you can help me out with the steps need to be taken care while implementing AD group security and Publisher reload will not fail in that case will be very helpfull.
Dhanu Priya
Does the field NTNAME in your section access table contains NT Name of the user through which you are running your services and all other fields are * and ACCESS field is ADMIN ?
Have you set it up the same way, it should work?
If it still does not work then can you provide your section access table?