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Partner - Specialist


Does anybody know how to set an alternate state?


1 Solution

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The hirarhy of the states:


And then you can assign objects to the state you creaate:


View solution in original post

7 Replies
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Hi ,

I'll try to explain the concept and the thechnical side of it,

Let's say we want to analyse the conection between two products we sale,

and we want to analyse it dinamcly between any products wh own,

In QV it's now realy easy to make a kind of duplicate the set of the data we have,

Actually we know that if we choose one product from a ListBox  we will see the information abuot the product we chose,now we can declar thet we want same selections on another ListBox with the same Dimmension- product- refer to anoter side of the data we have (duplicate set the data) ,

Thechnicaly, you can create a set of data by settings->document properties->Alternate States.

We know that the $ sign mean that we want consider all the selection of our data- the dafult,

And the the expriesion is :

Function({$}field_name) ->sum({$}Sales)

Now after we declar  anoter state, lets say we called it Group1, we can use in Set Analysis :

Function({[State Identifier]}field_name) ->sum({[Group 1]} Sales)

Its important to understand that itlike s behave another set of data (theoreticly).

I attach an example.

I hope it will help you.


Partner - Specialist

Great! That's what I wanted, settings->document properties->Alternate States, the way to do it.

Now let me show you my view.

Where is the tab Alternate States?

May it be the version?      11.00 11271.0 SR1 64-bit Edition (x64)

I still need a little more help. Thanks a lot.


Not applicable


Not applicable

The hirarhy of the states:


And then you can assign objects to the state you creaate:


Partner - Specialist

Thank you, thank you, and thank you.

I was lucky it wasn't a crocodile. It could have bitten me.

Not applicable

I'm glad i could help.

Partner - Specialist

I appreciate also the Venn Diagram. Awsome!