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I've a line graph, with months and period as dimensions, and total as expresion; e.g. period 07/08 starts in Novembre 2007 and finish in Octobre 2008.
This is my actually graph:
I need show accumulative values from 12 months ago, no matter period. If I use automatic accumulation, always start from 0 in November (my first month).
Maybe ABOVE can help me, but I do not find the right way.
Thanks in advance..
Where do you get the data from? If you get it from SQL you could accumulate in the SELECT.
I cant accumulate in sql query, because I 've many complex expresions. Thanks anyway.
Check directly in the chart with above( sum( Sales) , 12)
for a value of your dimension, QV calculate the cumulative sum from the 12 previous month.
When I use a grid, the function ABOVE works fine. But in my line graph doesnt work because the value go to zero when start each dimension.