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Action & Alert

i have one doubt community,,,,that is difference between action and alert? with formal defination anybody help me? thanks in advance

4 Replies
Not applicable

Action :

Action can be attached to the following objects:

Buttons , Text Objects , Gauges and line/Arrow objects

To perform the action we have to do certain operation on a sheet or object.

For example using action we can activate particular chat or sheet.

Alert :

we use alert to pop up when certain threshold is exceeded.

Alert can be triggered by three events, after the document is opened, After reloaded and or after data reduction.

Alert pop a message, if needed we can setup email message too.

Hope this will help you.

Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

Hi Pratap,

Action is a kind of Triggers, like OnActivateSheet, OnSheetLeave, OnOpen, OnAnySelect, Clear All, Clear Field, Select Field etc.

Refer below are actions avail available in Qlikview.(From Qlikview Help file)



Select in FieldSelects the values and fields that are specified. In the Search String you can specify a search mask, e.g. (A|B) will select both A and B.
Select ExcludedSelects the excluded values in the specified field.
Select PossibleSelects the possible values in the specified field.
Toggle Select Toggles between the current selection and the specified Field and Search String. In the Search String you can specify a search mask, e.g. (A|B) will select both A and B.
ForwardGoes one step forward in the list of selections.
BackGoes back one step in the list of selections.
Pareto SelectMakes a pareto selection in the specified field based on an expression and percentage. This type of selection is used to select the top contributors to a measure, typically in line of a general 80/20 rule. For example, to find the top customers that contribute to 80% of the turnover, Customer should be used as field, sum(Turnover) should be used as expression and 80 should be used as percentage.
Lock FieldLocks the selections in the specified field.
Lock AllLocks all values in all fields.
Unlock FieldUnlocks the selections in the specified field.
Unlock AllUnlocks all values in all fields.
Unlock and Clear AllUnlocks all values and clears all selections in all fields.
Clear Other FieldsClears all related fields except the one specified.
Clear AllClears all selections except locked ones.
Clear FieldClears a specific field.
Copy State ContentsCopies the selection from the Source State to the Target State. Only available when alternate states have been defined.
Swap State ContentsSwaps the selections between State 1 and State 2. Only available when alternate states have been defined.



Activate ObjectActivates the object specified by Object ID. This function does not work in Ajax client.
Activate SheetActivates the sheet specified by Sheet ID.
Activate Next SheetOpens the next sheet in the document.
Activate Previous SheetOpens the previous sheet in the document.
Minimize ObjectMinimizes the object specified by Object ID.
Maximize ObjectMaximizes the object specified by Object ID.
Restore ObjectRestores the object specified by Object ID.
Set State NameApplies the specified State to the object specified by Object ID. Only available when having defined alternate states.



Apply BookmarkApplies a bookmark specified by Bookmark ID. If two bookmarks have the same ID, the document bookmark is applied. To apply the server bookmark specify Server\bookmarkID.
Create BookmarkCreates a bookmark from the current selection. Specify Bookmark ID and Bookmark Name. Select Hidden to create a hidden bookmark.
Replace BookmarkReplaces the bookmark specified by Bookmark ID with the current selection.



Print ObjectPrints the object specified by Object ID. Specify the Printer name if the object should be sent to another printer than the default printer. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.)
Print SheetPrints the sheet specified by Sheet ID. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.) This function does not work in AJAX client.
Print ReportPrints the report specified by Report ID. Specify the Printer name if the report should be sent to another printer than the default printer. Mark the check box Show Print Dialog if you want the Windows print dialog to be shown. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.)



ExportExports a table containing a specific set of fields, but only those records that are applicable according to the made selection are exported. Click on the Setup button on the Actions page to open the Export Action Settings dialog. (not available as document and sheet trigger)
LaunchLaunches an external program. The following settings can be configured in the Actions dialog:
Click on Browse... to find the application that should be launched. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.)
Enter the path to the file that should be opened with the application specified above. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.)
Specify parameters for the command line from which the application is started. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.)
Working Directory
Sets the working directory for the application to be launched. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.)
Exit application when QlikView is closed
Forces the application to be closed when QlikView is exited. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.)
This function does not work in AJAX client.
Open URLOpens the URL in the default web browser. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.)
Open QlikView Document

Opens the specified document. The file extension must be included. (Not available as document and sheet trigger.)
Mark the check box Transfer State to transfer the selections from the original document to the one you wish to open. The opened document will first be cleared of selections.
Mark Apply state on top of current to retain the second document’s selections and apply the original document’s selections on top of them.

Note! Use Apply state on top of current with caution, as it can cause unpredictable results if the two documents selections are conflicting. In most cases it should be sufficient with using the Transfer State option.

Open in same Window opens the new document in the same browser tab when using the AJAX ZFC client.

Note! Open QlikView Document action is not supported when using the Internet Explorer plugin

Run MacroEnter the path and name of the macro to be run. Type any name for which it is possible to later create a macro in the Edit Module dialog, or a calculated expression for dynamic update.
Set VariableAssigns a value to the specified variable.
Show InformationShows the associated information, such as a text file or an image for the field specified by Field. This function does not work in AJAX client.
Close This DocumentCloses the active QlikView document.
ReloadPerforms a reload on the current document. This function does not work in AJAX client.
Dynamic Update

Performs a dynamic update of the data in the currently loaded document. The statement for the dynamic update is to be entered in the Statement field.

The intended usage of Dynamic Update allows a QlikView Administrator to feed limited amounts of data in to a QlikView document from a single source without running a reload of the document. Analysis can then be performed by multiple clients connecting to the QlikView Server.

Note! The uploaded information is stored in RAM only so any data added or updated using Dynamic Update will be lost if a reload of the document is performed.

The following grammar describes the possible statements and their components that can be used with the Dynamic Update feature:

  • statements ::= statement { “;” statement }
  • statement ::= insert_statement | update_statement | delete_statement | begin_transaction_statement | commit_transaction_statement
  • insert_statement ::= "INSERT" "INTO" ("*" | table_name) field_list "VALUES" value_list {"," value_list} ["KEY" ["AUTO" | (" (" field_list ")")] ["REPLACE" (["WITH" "ONE"] | "EACH") ]]
  • update_statement ::= "UPDATE" ("*" | table_name) set_clause {"," | set_clause} "WHERE" condition ["AUTO" "INSERT"]
  • delete_statement ::= "DELETE" "FROM" ("*" | table_name] "WHERE" condition
  • begin_transaction_statement ::= "BEGIN" ("TRANSACTION" | "TRAN") [trans_name]
  • commit_transaction_statement ::= "COMMIT" ["TRANSACTION" | "TRAN"] [trans_name]
  • table_name ::= identifier | quoted_name
  • field_list ::= "(" field_name {"," field_name} ")"
  • value_list ::= "("value {"," value} ")"
  • set_clause ::= "SET" field_name "=" any_valid_non_aggregated_qlikview_expression
  • field_name ::= identifier | quoted string
  • value ::= identifier | any_qlikview_number | quoted string
  • condition ::= any_valid_non_aggregated_qlikview_expression
  • identifier ::= any_qlikview_identifier
  • quoted_string ::= "[" [^]]+ "]"


UPDATE AbcTable SET Discount = 123 WHERE AbcField=1

Note! To use this feature, Dynamic Update must be allowed both on the Document and on the Server.

Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

Alert: Alerts can triggered when certain conditions met, support Sales of a month less than some value etc.  Please check below


The easiest way to define an alert is by using the Alert Wizard that can be invoked from the Tools menu.
The Alerts dialog is opened from the Tools menu. This dialog is used for managing alerts, which are stored as part of the QlikView document. Alerts can be triggered from any Windows version of QlikView (that is, not from AJAX clients).

An alert is a composite entity typically consisting of three basic parts:

  1. A condition, i.e. a QlikView expression forming a logical condition, that can be either true or false.
  2. A logical state (bookmark, clear all or current selection state) that should be applied before checking the state of the condition expression.
  3. One or more actions to be performed when the condition is checked and evaluates to true. Typical actions include showing a message in a pop-up window or sending a message as an e-mail to one or more recipients. Further actions can be programmed via macros.

When an alert is checked and the condition is met and the action(s) performed, it can be said that to have fired. QlikView alert checks can be triggered in three different ways:

  1. Automatically in the QlikView layout when there is a probability that the document’s data has changed, i.e. when the document is opened, when the script has been executed or when a Reduce Data operation has been performed.
  2. Manually from a Internal Macro Interpreter via special Automation APIs. Refer to the QlikView file APIguide.qvw (a very useful QlikView file describing the use of the macro functionality in QlikView, which is normally installed with the program) for details.
  3. Externally from programs running QlikView in batch mode which have a special Automation API to retrieve a list of fired alerts from a given context.

Use caution when creating alerts, large amounts of macro-triggered alerts can make the document sluggish!

The Alerts Dialog

The top left part of the dialog contains a list of alerts where all alerts currently defined in the document are displayed. The list includes three columns: ID, Enable and Description.


IDThe unique ID of the alert is displayed in the ID edit box as well as in the list of alerts. Upon creation, every QlikView layout entity, including alerts, is assigned a unique ID for control via Internal Macro Interpreter. The first alert of a document will be assigned the ID AL01. It is possible to edit this ID number later on in the ID edit box.
EnableSelect or deselect the check box in order to enable/disable the alert.
DescriptionDescription of an alert as defined under Description (see below).
AddThe Add button adds a new default alert to the list for further editing.
RemoveSelecting an alert and clicking the Remove button deletes it from the list.
ConditionThe Condition group is used for defining the conditional expression. (Condition)
This is a QlikView expression that should evaluate to true (non zero) when the alert is to fire.
All Clear
If this option is checked the all clear state will be used when evaluating the alert condition.
If All Clear is left unchecked, you may specify a bookmark to be applied before the alert condition is tested. The bookmark should be stated as a bookmark ID. The bookmark must exist for the alert to work properly. If no bookmark is specified and the All Clear check box is left unchecked, the current selections (i.e. the logical state of the document) will be used when the alert condition is tested.
EventsThe Events group is used for defining automatic event checks.
On Open
The alert is automatically checked when the document is opened.
On Post Reload
The alert is automatically checked after a script execution (Reload) of the document. In addition, the alert is also checked upon opening of the document, provided that the last reload time stamp stored in the document is later than the time stamp noted when the alert was last checked.
On Post Reduce
The alert is automatically checked after a data reduction (Reduce Data command) of the document. In addition, the alert is also checked upon opening of the document, provided that the last reduction time stamp stored in the document is later than the time stamp noted when the alert was last checked.
The re-firing of automatically checked alerts may be suspended for a given number of Days after an alert has been fired. Decimals may be used for specifying fractions of a day. The value 0 of course indicates that no delay will be applied.
Trigger Level
The re-firing of automatically checked alerts may also be suspended on the basis of whether the alert status has changed after the firing. In the drop-down list you can choose between three levels of reoccurrence:

means that the alert is fired every time the trigger event(s) occur and the alert condition is fulfilled.

Message Changes
means that the firing of the alert is suspended until the alert Message changes. This is of course only meaningful with dynamic message text. (Note that the state of the alert condition does not necessarily have to change in order for the evaluated message to change. Any change in the Mail Subject line (see below) will be regarded as change of message.)

State Changes
means that the firing of the alert is suspended until the alert state changes, i.e. the alert condition was unfulfilled during at least one check and then becomes fulfilled again during a later check. This is the strongest type of alert suspension.
Show PopupMark the check box Show Pop-up to show the alert message as a pop-up balloon when the alert is fired.
Use Custom PopupThe Use Custom Pop-up group lets you define a custom pop-up format for the selected alert. By checking this alternative, you can replace the default Alert Pop-up Settings as defined in Document Properties: General. The Pop-up Settings button opens the Pop-Up Window Settings dialog.
ModeIn the Mode group you can check the relevant options in order to define an alert as an Interactive (automatic triggers in layout) and/or as an alert relevant for external programs running QlikView in Batch mode (command line execution), e.g. QlikView Publisher, via the special Automation API for Batch triggers. If none of the check boxes in this group are marked, the alert can still be manually checked via macros.
DescriptionA commentary field where the creator of an alert can describe the purpose of an alert. It is only used in the list of alerts in this dialog.
MessageThe Message edit box is where you type the message to be displayed with the alert. For pop-up alerts the text will appear in the pop-up, for e-mail alerts this is the body text of the e-mail. The message text may be defined as a Calculated Formula for dynamic update. Click the ... button to open the Edit Expression dialog for easier editing of long formulas.
Mail SubjectIn the Mail Subject edit box a text to be used for the subject line in e-mail alert messages can be entered. The text may be defined as a calculated label expression for dynamic update. Click the ... button to open the Edit Expression dialog for easier editing of long formulas. If left empty, the subject line will display the text 'QlikView Alert'.
Mail RecipientsThe Mail Recipients pane is a semi-colon separated list of mail addresses. Each addressee will receive an e-mail message whenever the alert fires. The list may be defined as a calculated string expression for dynamic update.
Creator III
Creator III


Action is nothing but work that has to do. Alert is a message that has to be displayed after an action or a trigger or on a particular criteria.

See the attachment for QV Alerts.