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Hi Friends
I am using Open QlikView Document Action for the first time and had few questions:
I am attaching two sample files for question 1 above.
Thanks in advance for your help and guidance.
Thanks Avinash R. I was able to confirm that the third bullet point also works, but with a twist.
Document name needs to be changed to File 2.qvw to ='File 2_' & Only(Dim1) & '.qvw' where the new name on the portal is decided by loop and reduce like this -> %SourceDocumentName%_%DocumentField,Dim1%
So now when I am looking at File 1_A, I can directly open File 2_A and when I am looking at File 1_B, I can open File 2_B.
I hope this to be useful for others in the future.
I guess the first part of the issue got resolved when I changed the file name from 'Something <space> something' to 'Something' (without space)
I would still need help on the question 2 and question 3.
Hi Sunny,
As per knowledge yes, the point 2 will work in the access point but you need to have necessary permissions.
Point 3. What do you mean by loops in both documents ? loops in script ? or transfer of selection from one document to other ? if it transfer for state then you have already achieved it in the in the eg
For Point 2 -> Would we need a specify the file path or just the file name would be fine since they will be sitting at the same level?
For Point3 -> not the for or while loop, but Loop and Reduce functionality QlikView Security Video Series (5 of 8): Reduce and Loop by NT Username - YouTube
Point 2 : If its in the same folder then its not required... otherwise we need specific the complete the path.
Point 3: If you have security i.e section access implemented using NTNAME then it will surely reduce the data
Just confirmed the 2nd bullet point. Now need to work on the last bullet point.
Thanks Avinash R. I was able to confirm that the third bullet point also works, but with a twist.
Document name needs to be changed to File 2.qvw to ='File 2_' & Only(Dim1) & '.qvw' where the new name on the portal is decided by loop and reduce like this -> %SourceDocumentName%_%DocumentField,Dim1%
So now when I am looking at File 1_A, I can directly open File 2_A and when I am looking at File 1_B, I can open File 2_B.
I hope this to be useful for others in the future.
sunindia Thanks for the updates . I have one question why the we need add the "& Only(Dim1) &" can't we use the transfer the document state option?
Avinash -
I am not sure how familiar are you with Loop and Reduce functionality available in QMC. But lets say this is my data:
Dim1 Value
A 40
B 50
and I tell QMC to L&R on Dim1. It will create two files on the access point. Lets say the original qvw was named File.qvw. You will now see these two on access point -> File_A.qvw and File_B.qvw (based on this naming convention %SourceDocumentName%_%DocumentField,Dim1%. This naming convention can be easily configured within QMC). File_A.qvw will only contain data where Dim1 = A and File_B.qvw will only include data where Dim1 = B.
Now coming back to my scenario. I had two Files, File 1 and File 2 and when each of them get L&R, they both will create two files each (in our example of A and B) -> File 1_A.qvw, File 1_B.qvw, File 2_A.qvw & File 2_B.qvw. I was looking for a way to configure the non-L&R version so that I don't have to type File 2_A.qvw and File 2_B.qvw to open them from File 1_A.qvw and File 1_B.qvw, respectively. So instead of hard-coding the A and B, I decided to use Only(Dim1) which would only Show A for File 1_A.qvw and Show B for File 1_B.qvw.
I hope the above description would make sense.
sunindia thanks a lot for the description . I was thinking about the section access in the document that's why i was wandering why this was needed ...now it make sense ... your trying to achieve the section access through QMC
thanks for the info