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ActiveX Component can't create object ""Scripting.FileSystemObject""


I've got this error (ActiveX Component can't create object ""Scripting.FileSystemObject"") when I lanch a macro to upload a file with a FTP.

The script is:

sub Upload

set vPath = ActiveDocument.Variables("vPathFile").GetContent


Dim File

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set File = FSO.OpenTextFile("C:\temp.txt", 2, True)

File.WriteLine "open ***-ftp.*************"

File.WriteLine "user"

File.WriteLine "****"

File.WriteLine "*****"

File.WriteLine "cd qlikview/prodis"

File.WriteLine "PUT "& vPath.string

File.WriteLine "disconnect"

File.WriteLine "quit"

Dim shell

Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

shell.Run "ftp -n -s:C:\temp.txt"

End Sub

If i lanch this macro like this, there is no problem...

but if I change the path of the .txt file for example: * **


I've got an error....

The problem is the users are not Adminstrateur of their computer, so they can't create a txt file in C:

that's why i want to change the path, like that...

I don't know why ActiveX can't create the object with this path wheras it works whith an other.

(My macro has system Access, it's not the problem)


DUEZ Thomas

1 Solution

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I too had same issue with Active X component. Can you please ask users to install IE plugin from Access Point and after successfull install ask users to open application and the press Ctrl+Shift+M and give system access to module script.

Let me know if any further info is required.



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16 Replies

It is a security setting within the macro-modul - you need set the access level on the left side from editor to access on extern.

- Marcus

Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist


the folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\ is available for your users? Which windows version have they?

On my pc(win7) it is working fine.

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@Marcus: No the Access is alerady set to system etc....

Yes I think "C:\Users\Public\Documents\'  is available for all users, even if they're not admin...I think it's a path without security....I'm not sure because I'm consultant, and I work for an other company so I don't manage security here....but I will ask....

On my computer it's also working  fine....but on the computer of an users.....with C:\temp.txt there is no problem but with the other path it don't work whereras I can create a document file with no problem in "C:\Users\Public\Documents\' on his computer....that's why I though it was a ActiveX problem (authorization to create there? I don't know)

EDIT: I forget to say, they work also on win7


If I understand right, the txt-file will be created in "C:\Users\Public\Documents\" and then occurs the error message ActiveX Component can't create object ""Scripting.FileSystemObject""?

- Marcus

Not applicable

Yes exactly...

When the txt-file is created in "C:\" there is no problem (but I can't do that, because the Network admin don't want I create file there) but when i want to create the file in  "C:\Users\Public\Documents\" I've got the ActiveX error.


It seems as if there are not the proper access rights for this path (try it - for testing - elsewhere) and/or ActiveX is on user-level not right configured.

- Marcus

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Yes I don't know I will search ....

But in parallel I try to do it differently, I would like to avoid to use txt file and write directly in the shell....

I try that:

Dim shell

Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

shell.Run "ftp -n" 'It opens the shell

shell.sleep 500

shell.SendKeys ("open ************")


But I don't success to write somoething in the shell with the commande SendKeys....

Nothing happened....

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my script



My experience with SendKeys is quite bad ... and then on user-level ... I wouldn't it recommend and I think it will not solved your problems. Generally the approach to create an txt-file with a ftp-statement and afterwards to execute it worked. If not, then there are problems with access rights and/or proper syntax/config-details.

Have you always the message with ActiveX (FileSystemObject or Shell) or will the shell-statement executed (you should set a statement like "timeout /T 15" in your txt-file therewith you could see what is wrong by the execution)?

- Marcus

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Yes I also think that SendKeys is not the solution but if I don't sucess to resolve my problem with twt-file, I search an other way....

Anyway, I still have my problem (it's very random) I don't really understand where is the problem, on some users computer it works and on others no....

But I don't think the timeout can help (but maybe I don't uderstand) because I think the problem is at the creation of the txt-file (not during the execution...)  It seems like on some computers, I can't create the txt-file on the computer...

The problem is that I don't know exactly the security in the company I work as a consultant.

When I lanch the application with the rich client, an do "open on server" there is no problem...

the problem appears when we use IE with IE plug-in ( macro don't work in full web version by the way, but it's an other problem)...Do you think the problem is a bad setting of ActiveX....because maybe I can ask to IT team to set it differently...I'm quite lost.