Hi All,
I'm new to Qlikview and struggling with a task. As you can see the below code, I want to calculate the percentile and add that value into the table Temp. When I use the load statement inside the for loop, it only shows the last row's percentile value for all the rows as shown in the image below.
FOR a=-1 to -1 //looping through unitMax
SET vUnitMax = Peek('maxunit',$(a),'unitMax'); //done
SET vMax = Peek('MaxForUnit',$(a),'unitMax'); //done
FOR i=-1 to $(rowText)-1 // looping through temp
SET vUnit = Peek('UNIT',$(i),'Temp');
SET vAttendance = Peek('ATTENDANCE',$(i),'Temp'); //read the Attendance from Temp
SET vPercentile = ($(vAttendance)/$(vMax))*100;
SET vPercentile = ROUND($(vPercentile));
Left Join
LOAD $(vPercentile) AS Test Resident Temp;