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Hello everyone,
I have next example of data set:
CustomerID ProductID Amount
1 P1 2
1 P2 0
1 P3 -5
2 P1 3
2 P2 1
2 P2 - 1
3 P1 3
3 P2 1
I would like to get pivot table in QlikView, which would count number of different CustomerIDs by ProductID, where Amount is different then 0. I need to get pivot table with next result:
ProductID Result
P1 3
P2 1
P3 1
I use pivot table with dimension ProductID and expression:
=count (distinct ( if( aggr( sum(Amount), CustumerID,ProductID) <> 0, CustomerID)))
With this expression I get the wrong result. It counts also customer, where sum of Amount is 0.
The result I get is
ProductID Result
P1 3
P2 2
P3 1
If someone could help with this I would be very grateful. If someone knows some solution even withouth aggr function it would be even better. Thanks in advance.
If I understand you correct, if sum of amount =0 for a combination of product and customer than it should not be counted?
maybe try this?
count (distinct aggr( if(sum(Amount)<>0,CustumerID), CustumerID,ProductID) )
why this result
ProductID Result
P1 3
P2 2
P3 1
is wrong?
P1 has 1,2,3
P2 has 2,3
P3 has 1
You are completly right. I mistyped the data set here, I edited the question. I hope it is more clear now where is the problem. If you could help, I would appreciate very much.
If I understand you correct, if sum of amount =0 for a combination of product and customer than it should not be counted?
maybe try this?
count (distinct aggr( if(sum(Amount)<>0,CustumerID), CustumerID,ProductID) )
Thank you so much. This works exactly as I needed.
I have another question regarding this issue and I would be very thankful if you or someone else could maybe help.
I have added another column to my data set:
CustomerID ProductID Amount Year
1 P1 2 2019
1 P2 0 2019
1 P3 -5 2019
2 P1 3 2018
2 P2 1 2019
2 P2 - 1 2019
3 P1 3 2018
3 P2 1 2019
If I make a choice in qlikview : Year = 2019 I would like to get pivot table with next result:
ProductID Result for current year Result for previous year
P1 1 2
P2 1 0
P3 1 0
So, logic is the same as for previous issue that I had, but now I just added another dimension -> year.
First expression (Result for current year) is:
count (distinct aggr( if(sum(Amount)<>0,CustumerID), CustumerID,ProductID)),
but second expression (to get result for previous year) would need some set analysis.
I try something like:
count ( { distinct aggr( if(sum(Amount)<>0,CustumerID), CustumerID,ProductID))
If you maybe know how to help, I would appreciate very much. Thanks.
you have to aggr by year too
is it that you are always going to select only 1 year and want to see that year and previous year?
you can add set analysis in sum of aggr
current year
count (distinct aggr( if(sum({$<Year={"$(=Max(Year))"}>}Amount)<>0,CustumerID), CustumerID,ProductID))
previous year:
count (distinct aggr( if(sum({$<Year={"$(=Max(Year)-1)"}>}Amount)<>0,CustumerID), CustumerID,ProductID))
Thanks for suggestion, but it is unfortunatelly not working well for previous year. I get result 0 in every row, which is not ok.
Expression is OK, but I don't know why the result I get doesnt take into account previous year.