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I have a table in the format
Emp ID | Role | Month | Amount |
102001 | Line Manager | 1 | 100 |
102001 | Line Manager | 2 | 140 |
102001 | Line Manager | 3 | 220 |
102001 | Line Manager | 4 | 120 |
102001 | Program Manager | 5 | 230 |
102001 | Line Manager | 6 | 120 |
102001 | Line Manager | 7 | 100 |
When I create a straight table in qlikview. i get the following output
Emp ID | Role | Amount |
102001 | Line Manager | 800 |
102001 | Program Manager | 230 |
But my requirement is to get total amount for an employee irrespective of his Role and ideally Role should be what is there in current month.
1. If i have not selected any month my role will be Line Manager (for July) and total amount will be 800+230=1030
Emp ID | Role | Amount |
102001 | Line Manager | 1030 |
2. If i have selected Jan-May, role will be Program Manager and Amount will be sum(amount) form Jan-May.
Emp ID | Role | Amount |
102001 | Program Manager | 810 |
So i should get only one record for the employee even if i have Role in dimension.
Any suggestions how can i do this ?
Hi Sumit, check attachment.
Expression for Role: only({<Month={$(=Max(Month))}>} Role)
Expression for Amount: Sum({<Month={"<=$(=Max(Month))"}>} Amount)
Try something like this...
Role : only({<Month={$(=Max(Month))}>} Role)
Amount : sum({<Month={'>= $(=min(Month)) <=$(=max(Month))'}>}Amount)
Since you will be using an expression for the Role column, the other expression for Amount can revert back to:
since Sumit specified that he will sum only those months that are explicitly selected...