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Animated dimension & set analysis


I have a problem with animated dimension and set analysis.

The chart that you see in the document has 'Anno' (year) as animated dimension.

In the same chart, ther are 3 expression:

1. 'Femmine' (woman) = sum({$<Sesso={F}>} Data).

2. 'Maschi' (man) = sum({$<Sesso={M}>} Data).

3. 'Femmine al 2013' (woman in year 2013) =sum({$<Sesso={F},Anno={'2013'}>} Data).

The data structure is:

ScreenHunter_01 Sep. 20 17.55.jpg
I expect that the expression 'Femmine al 2013' is always visible,  but I see the values on the graph only when 'year' = 2013.

Can someone help me please?


Ciao. Michele.

4 Replies

Hi Michele,

I didn't get much time to look at this, but you probably should use AGGR function for the line.

Below expression works for Femmine al 2013, but only when you select a particular year (or not select any year at all)!

aggr(sum({$<Sesso={F},Anno={2013}>} Data),Eta)

May be also look at using the Reference Line function in the Presentation tab...

Hope this helps!


Specialist II
Specialist II

I think you can't use the same field as an animated dimension and the 3d expression because when you use that in the expression you are filtering the field by that value, but try this just in case:

=sum({1<Sesso={F},Anno={'2013'}>} Data)

Not applicable

I tried your suggestion, but unfortunately does not solve the problem.

Even the reference line does not work.

Thank you .

Not applicable

It seems that animated dimensions are stronger than Set Analysis.

Thank you. .