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Are the dimensions and measures of hypercubes really found by name rather than id?

Looking at the GetLayout function result of a typical control in the Protocol Tester, I see that for the qDimensionInfo section of the qHyperCube section seems to use only the "qFallbackTitle" to find the Dimension(s) it is using, and similarly for the Measure(s).  An example from the Protocol Tester applied to the Consumer Sales sample report follows:  (emphasis added and material removed).

  "qLayout": {

      "qInfo": {

        "qId": "JVWmVXB",

        "qType": "barchart"


      "qHyperCube": {

        "qDimensionInfo": [


            "qFallbackTitle": "Product Sub Group",

            "qApprMaxGlyphCount": 17,

            "qCardinal": 70,

This doesn't seem like a good way to run a railroad.  The fact that the "name" of a control when you do a List Sheets macro becomes the "id" of a subsequent GetObject function call is bad enough, but to rely on a name to get to Dimensions and Measures of hypercubes seems worse.

Or, (certainly possible) am I missing something?

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