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CMD reload via MS Access VBA

Hello all,

I want to reload a Qlikview document with a commandline via a MS Access macro.I made a simple macro like this:

Call Shell("cmd.exe C:\Program Files\QlikView\qv.exe /r C:\Users\HH01\Google Drive\Sjabloon\Workbooks\3. Datamodel\SourceListGenerator.qvw pause", vbNormalFocus)

The next thing i want is to change some variables in de qvw. The input for that variables are inside of a textfield in a Accessform.

For that I made a macro like this:

Call Shell("cmd.exe C:\Program Files\QlikView\qv.exe /r /vQVDmap=" & Forms![AP Qlikview Console]![Tekst59] & " /vQVDprefix=" & Forms![AP Qlikview Console]![Tekst73] & "C:\Users\HH01\Google Drive\Sjabloon\Workbooks\3. Datamodel\SourceListGenerator.qvw pause", vbNormalFocus)

But they are both not working.

can someone help me with this macro?

Thanks in advance,


1 Solution

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It also works without cmd.exe:

Call Shell("C:\Program Files\Qlikview\qv.exe /r <Path to qvw>")

View solution in original post

3 Replies
Not applicable

Hi Halmar,

The Syntax in CMD should be:

"C:\Program Files\Qlikview\qv.exe" /r "<path to the qvw>"

This works, so it's just a quotation thing 🙂

Not applicable

It also works without cmd.exe:

Call Shell("C:\Program Files\Qlikview\qv.exe /r <Path to qvw>")


The complete working macro is:

Private Sub Knop81_Click()

    Dim Field1 As Object

    Dim Field2 As Object


    Set Field1 = Forms![AP Qlikview Console]![Tekst59]

    Set Field2 = Forms![AP Qlikview Console]![Tekst73]


    Call Shell("C:\Program Files\QlikView\qv.exe /r /vQVDmap=" & Field1 & " /vQVDprefix=" & Field2 & " C:\Users\HH01\Google Drive\Sjabloon\Workbooks\3. Datamodel\SourceListGenerator.qvw", vbNormalFocus)

End Sub