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Calculating monthly sales including periods with no demand

Hello guys!

I am struggling to find a solution for my "monthly sales issue", hopefully you can help!

I want to create a table with monthly sales per item (and same one per customer) druring load. Something that looks like this:

Item ID Year_Month Total sales
1 2022_1 0
1 2022_2 100
1 2022_3 80
2 2022_1 300
2 2022_2 250
2 2022_3 0

Before creating the load script I tried to create such a table in the app and failed. If there is no demand during a month for a given Item ID, I get a '-'. Hence, the above table has '-' instead of zeroes.

I have tried the if function, but it did not help. Neither if(sum(Sales)='-','0') nor if(sum(Sales)='-',0).

The data that I am using as a basis for calculation is a list of shipments. So it happens that for a given Item there is no shiments in a particular month...

Without zeroes as values I cannot proceed with further calculations like average monthly sales or standard deviation.

Please help.


Thanks & regards,


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2 Replies

Not sure where you are trying, check if you can use this function to show zeroes - 



I need to create a table with a total demand per item per months with a value, even if there is no demand for a given item - month combination according to data.

Unfortunatelly Coalesce did not hlep, I still get empty fields:
