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Not applicable

Changing the colour of an expression value


I need to change an expression colour based on the value of another expression.

So, I have 2 expressions. If the value of the first is > 0, then second expression value is Yellow.

Does this make sense? Is there a way to do it?

Many thanks

3 Replies
Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

Clik on on expression and writre something like this:

if (expression1 > 0, RGB(xxx,xxx,xxx), RGB(yyy,yyy,yyy))

hope it helps

Not applicable

in the color tab, you can type a formula instead of a color.

something like if(expresions1>0, rgb(100,200,255), rgb(255,200,100))

Master II
Master II

If you want on the basis of your first expression then

write this code  in 2nd expression and  expand the + icon  in background color


hope it helps

if it based  on 3rd column then trey to put column(3)

hope it helps