Question, with regards to the code below:
if Above() with its offset of '1' evaluates all values until and including a given row and Below() with the offset of 1 evaluates all the rows below (and excl.) a given row, then RangeMin() and RangeMax() ought to return the same results. by implications ColoMix1() function would then return the same colour values regardless of the country (i.e. row) it is evaluating.
Yet this is NOT the case as we can see from the resulting Block chart on p. 191.
Above(Sum(Sales), 0, RowNo()),
Below(Sum(Sales), 1, NoOfRows()-RowNo())
Above(Sum(Sales), 0, RowNo()),
Below(Sum(Sales), 1, NoOfRows()-RowNo())
Above(Sum(Sales), 0, RowNo()),
Below(Sum(Sales), 1, NoOfRows()-RowNo())
, White(), LightBlue())