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Comparing 2 dissimilar dimensions

For the purpose of what I'm doing, I want to have a fixed timeline on a bar chart X-axis for the past 12 months.

The data for my Y-axis is in a different table and is in no way related to the dimension used for the X-axis. The Y-axis is a count() function for the number of orders. The Y-axis data has its own date, but I'm not sure how to incorporate it into this. (the 2 are in no way connected with a line in the QV table viewer)

I am able to setup my bar chart with the fixed last 12 months as my X-axis. When I create my expression for the Y-axis, I just get a flat value across all X-axis points. Instead, I need to have each bar represent the number of orders that were open in that month (that month = that point on the X-axis).

It seems like this is not possible. Can someone confirm?


2 Replies
Former Employee

If possible, you should connect the two tables with some key.

However, in some cases you deliberately put a time dimension in a logical island and then you can connect the two in the expression. Say for instance that you have a "GenericDate" in a logical island and a "OrderDate" in the same table as the "Amount" that should be summed. Then you can make a bar chart with GenericDate as dimension and Sum(if(GenericDate=OrderDate,Amount)) as Expression.


Not applicable

Thank you, Henric. I connected the data with a key and I will see how this does.