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Concatenated key


Can anyone explain me what is the use of concatenated key and why it is used?

(i.e) cust_id & store_id & invoice_id as %key_id



4 Replies

You can find some uses in this document: Generic keys

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand
Not applicable

You create a uniq key between tvo tables. In your example I guess that same inovice id and cust id can exist in diffrent stores. By adding the store id and cust id you create a uniq key that ties data in diffrent tables togheter.

Champion II
Champion II

some times we are not able to differenciate b/w two tables based on one key. in fact

spme times we need to find the data  matching from two tables and not able to find based on one key

then we can concatenate key  and they  find it

for eample

Emp   Department   sales

123     10           200

123     20          300

hope this helps

Sunil Chauhan
Not applicable


i found ur answer was using this key (cust_id & store_id & invoice_id as %key_id) if i want to create a chart with x axis as cust_id and y axis as sum(sales) then how do i?

Do i need to use subfield function to fetch cust_id like tat??