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Dear all,
We are developing a QlikView file reading data from a SAGE 100 ERP System.
SAGE 100 uses a .mae and .gcm files in order to store the data. We can connect with the files using the own SAGE ODBC but each time we try to reload data we need to introduce manually an user and a password.
Obviously, we need to automate this process, so, any idea about how to do it?
Thanks in advance for your support.
Best regards,
Víctor Aznar
I'm not familiar with SAGE 100 but recently i connected MAS 90 which is a SAGE product with Qlikview. Similarly when i connect to the ODBC, it will give prompt for user and password.
The way i got around it is using this syntax:
TO 'SOTAMAS90;UID=<login>|<companyid>;PWD=<password>';The SOTAMAS90 is the DSN for my MAS ODBC.
Sorry the editor placed multiple carriage returns. anyway it's:
CONNECT TO '<DSN>;UID=<login>|<companyid>;PWD=<password>';
Ofcourse remove the < and > signs.
We're also trying to develop from SAGE ERP 100...we're working with version 15.50, but we have a problem...we've installed the SAGE ODBC for .mae and .gcm, but everytime we open the project and edit the script, appears the authorization prompt for the SAGE embedded database. We log in, but then, nothing else happens...have you managed to overcome this?...or is it something that we are doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
To use like parameter /NoSecurity ex. call qv.exe aaa.qvw /NoSecurity
Good luck, Luis
Did you ever get connected? If so, are you willing to share your experience?
Thank you,