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Copy objects to Excel - Using template

Hi All,

I have been using the brilliant 'copyObjectsToExcel' script I found on this site somewhere (I think).  I adapted it slightly to work with a powerpoint template, which worked perfectly.

I now need to return to Excel, but getting that to use a template is proving mighty troublesome.

Is there anyone who has dealt with this code that can help with my predicament?  I have tried a number of things, but my vb knowledge is a bit more limited than I first imagined.

Snippet of code below so you know what code i'm referring to:

'// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'// YOU DO NOT NEED TO CHANGE THE CODE BELOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'// ****************************************************************

'// copyObjectsToExcel

'// ~~

'// Parameters:

'//                    qvDoc - Reference to the QlikView document (normally just use

'//                                        "ActiveDocument", but you can also use copyObjectsToExcel

'//                                        outside of QlikView ...

'//                    aryExportDefinition - array of settings

'// ~~

'// Version 1.02

'// ~~

'// The aryExportDefinition is used to pass the following properties to

'// copyObjectsToExcelSheet:


'//   Index                    Description

'// ------------------------

'//           0          -           Id of the QlikView object to copy from

'//           1          -           Name of the sheet (in Excel) where the object should be copied to


'//                                        (If a sheet with the same name already exists no new

'//                               sheet will be created, instead the existing sheet will

'//                                        be used for pasting the object)


'//                                        Note: the sheetName can be max 31 characters long


'//                    2          -           Range in Excel where the object should be pasted to

'//                    3          -           PasteMode ["data", "image"]

'//                                        Defines if the objects underlaying data should be

'//                                        pasted ("data") or the the image representing the object

'//                                        should be used

'// ****************************************************************

Private Function copyObjectsToExcelSheet(qvDoc, aryExportDefinition) 'as Excel.Workbook

Dim i 'as Integer

Dim objExcelApp 'as Excel.Application

Dim objExcelDoc 'as Excel.Workbook

Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

objExcelApp.Visible = true 'false if you want to hide Excel

objExcelApp.DisplayAlerts = false


Set objExcelDoc = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Add

Dim strSourceObject

Dim qvObjectId 'as String

Dim sheetName

Dim sheetRange

Dim pasteMode

Dim objSource

Dim objCurrentSheet

Dim objExcelSheet

for i = 0 to UBOUND(aryExportDefinition)

          '// Get the properties of the exportDefinition array

          qvObjectId = aryExportDefinition(i,0)

          sheetName = aryExportDefinition(i,1)

          sheetRange = aryExportDefinition(i,2)

          pasteMode = aryExportDefinition(i,3)


          Set objExcelSheet = Excel_GetSheetByName(objExcelDoc, sheetName)

          if (objExcelSheet is nothing) then

                    Set objExcelSheet = Excel_AddSheet(objExcelApp, sheetName)

                    if (objExcelSheet is nothing) then

                              msgbox("No sheet could be created, this should not occur!!!")

                    end if

          end if



          set objSource = qvDoc.GetSheetObject(qvObjectId)

          Call objSource.GetSheet().Activate()



2 Replies

Partner Ambassador
Partner Ambassador

If you're looking for an application that does this rather than using macros etc, then NPrinting allows you to export to Excel using templates... and filter/schedule/distribute these. More info at

Qlik Partner Ambassador 2024