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Count of users logged in!


I just wanted to verify whether what I have done is correct or not. Please reply!


Charts should show the percentage of people by Date logged on to an application -

Above requirment should be calcualted based on this criteria (distinct number of people logged onto application) / (total number of people who have access to an application).

What I have done is:

Dimension: Date

Expression: count(distinct User)/count(total User)

Can some one verify and let me know what I have done is as per the requirement or not.



3 Replies
Not applicable

Hi Attitude,

It sounds right but what is "total user"?  All other fields you have described would be transactional in nature but "total user" sounds like its an aggregation.  Is this field being totaled up in a script (aggregated field or separate dataset) prior to your chart?

If the answer is "yes its a separate dataset which contains all possible users that can access the application", then I think its fine, but suspicious about what/where is "Total User".



Not applicable

Hi Jon

I have field called User. I am using 'Total' aggregation function to count the total number of user as per the application. Little confusion is where should I pass the Application Name as requested in the requirement.

Currently I have only logon data with me(userid,date and app). I am just preparing POC with the help of that. Yet to get the User table. Will it be fine once I get that?

Please do guide me! Though it is simple little confused by the requirement.



Not applicable


My bad , yes your expression is spot on then.  I put my stupidity down to not having my morning coffee yet. 

Your expression is sound, now to your other point about the application.  If you add another dimension in with the application name this should then seperate the values into date & application.

The trick is how to display the chart because you now have two dimensions and Pie Charts wont like it.  So the options are:

1. Chart that supports two dimensions (bubble, etc).

2. Create a new drill down group (menu: Settings>Document Properties>Groups>New...) and use that instead of your two dimension (if you are unsure about this can you attach your QV file and will do something for you)

3. Use a pie chart but make it a trellis (look at the dimension tab in your chart).

Hope this makes sense