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Create Bookmark by given BookmarkID


HOw to create Bookmark with given Bookmark ID. I tried with below line, pls check this

ActiveDocument.CreateDocBookmark false, "BMTest"    //Now this ID should be "BM01".

How can i achieve this.

Thanks In advance

3 Replies
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you want to creat a book mark by follow this

from settings in main bar => document properties => triggers tab =>choose the event first =>then click  add action =>BookMark =>create bookmark =>give it an Id and Name

then after you finshe your work with document and closed it in the next open you will find a book mark with this id and name created and it will apply last selection you saved and closed your doucment on this selection

and after each closed he will create a new bookmark with the same name and the Id will be increament with 1 and it will have the last selection you saved and closed on it

i think if you make your book mark and insteed of create a new  one each time apply your bookmark on the opening of the doucment

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Thanx for your reply

I want to create a Bookmark with given ID in Macro code

How I can implement it

Not applicable

I would like to see the same, but have a toggle effect if posible. using an Else statement.
