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Creating a drilldown with a singleobject.htm file

For the mobile version of our site we are using the functionality that uses the singleobject.htm. It basically allows us to pull up one single sheet object. We have been able to successfully do this by putting the tables and text objects into a container (set up as an x by x grid in the presentation tab) and then calling on the Object ID as well as any selections we need in the URL parameters.

Now the project owner wants us to produce a drill-down so when you click on the person's name in a table then it would go into greater details about that specific profile. On the desktop they just created an overlay that would set to visible when you click on a name and then invisible when you click on the x (close icon)... but since we are restricted to using a single object that won't work

Is there a way to have the contents of a container change depending on what is clicked? Or can we somehow put two objects into a single cell in the table, so when they click on a name, that table object that is in that container would disappear and the results container would show in that cell and grab the results of what was clicked?

Any other ideas would be great! We are really depending on this functionality down the road so I really appreciate your input!

For what its worth I am using the desktop version Qlikview 11.20 and I believe the server is 11.13 or so. If there is this functionality in a newer version please specify that as I would need to request an upgrade.

1 Reply
Specialist II
Specialist II


you can integrate a single object in a .net environment and pass parameters to hit.

Take a look


André Gomes